For most people, life is plain and simple, just like the standard configuration when installing programs, walking along the established road to the dark; for those who have taken an unusual path, it’s just gossip. The mentality of seeing failure begins and ends with a mentality of jealousy or gloat. Indeed, there are very few people who can be like a premier master like Sean, but we can at least make some life-defining choices on some small things.
So some people chose to collect stamps, some chose to listen to drama, some chose to run a marathon, and some chose to travel. I think we can do more in-depth, both in the dimensions of time and space. More importantly, as Sean said, “Sometimes I don’t want to take a picture.” He is a person who transcends all constraints. In the world, there is no material thing to restrict him; fame, wealth, Even his works can remain unmoved. He reached the highest level of life-freedom, which is what Mitty learned when he was sitting in a helicopter piloted by a drunk pilot and looking at the scenery of the Arctic Ocean, even though it was only five seconds; this is also a north horse run. What the people of "comprehensible" at the end is what various backpackers and star-chasers want to comprehend. It is also what text lovers like me comprehend when they finish writing an article or a book.
The best life is not material, not being able to do it or not being able to do it; but in the heart, it lies in liking and hope.
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