Slightly boring

Telly 2021-10-20 17:38:18

It's not very funny. The laughing point is actually quite cold. It just can't make me laugh. It's a crooked mouth. But for this kind of completely nonsense movie, it's a little boring if I can't laugh. But there is a little feeling that the Americans can have fun when they are young, and they can be crazy. In this process, they can sway their youth, and they can grow up if they are lucky. No matter how crazy you were when you were young, you can still be brave enough to assume your responsibilities as an adult, regardless of whether the process of undertaking is painful or the result is really satisfying. The children of the Celestial dynasty should be doing a serious reading job when they are crazy, but most of them have no EQ when they grow up, and they should be like children when they should go to society. They have to fall into the society and realize that they are individuals. This is good. Direction. All children are brought by parents, because we haven’t grown up yet~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Neighbors quotes

  • Assjuice: Do you know how many bj's they promised me?

    Assjuice: Infinite bj's. They promised me infinite bj's

  • Pete: He puts his dick in your mouth while you were asleep, bitch!

    Assjuice: Uh-uh, I wasn't asleep.