"Neighbors War": a showdown between friendship and love

Melyssa 2021-10-20 17:37:36

Focusing on Seth Rogen’s comedy movies, they are full of all kinds of silly kindness and base loveliness. He successfully interprets his personal style and personal characteristics in each of his movies, creating another one. The king of unique comedy! Maybe his movies don't have much connotation at all, but they are full of positive energy. Even if it is an inconspicuous little character, his story deserves our inspiration! Just like this movie, it continues the nonsensical comedy style as before. The sparse and ordinary trivial matters are involved in driving a small-scale slapstick. There is no so-called big righteousness, only small slaps between neighbors. , You provoke me, I touch you, there is no malice, just release the fun of little pranks!

The film starts with a very simple plot, and does not deliberately create an atmosphere of tension. It uses a normal and somewhat vulgar plot to awaken the plot of the entire film. The film has no lofty core and no dogma. His education simply expresses the basic reaction of ordinary people to some things! And through these very simple and interesting things to outline the understanding and accommodation between people. We can understand the mood and situation of the protagonists of the film, and also have similar situations and experiences. The film can easily awaken our sympathy for the protagonist. This is also the most intimate place to interact with the audience! Although we will not be as tenacious and extreme as the plot in the movie, nor can we use some cleverness to divorce the relationship of others, the feelings and friendship presented in the movie are sincere and moving. It is impossible for us to change certain behaviors of others, we just hope to be able to obtain the understanding and accommodation of others. We all hope that the atmosphere of our neighbors is harmonious and united, and no one wants conflicts and contradictions between our neighbors! We will choose to forbearance unless it is forced to be too much. This is also the most common behavior among people! The movie vividly shows us the whole process of neighbours having sex with each other, although most of the tricks used by the members of the gangsters also bring us a unique happiness and moving. In this process, we got to know love and friendship, we found love and friends, and after experiencing all the headaches and unpleasant things, we realized what is the most cherished thing! Love and friendship no matter what misunderstandings and frictions they encounter, they still have inextricable cares and misses for each other. No matter what troubles and encounters are encountered, the first thing that comes to mind is those who make people care about!

The joining of Zac Efron makes the whole film permeated with the temperament of a youth idol. Although Zac’s performance in the film is not very eye-catching, compared to his previous roles, in this film The acting skills have obviously improved a lot, although the director also tried to dress Zac as a bad boy in the image, but the young and handsome he really couldn't find the feeling of stubbornness. Perhaps his too positive image has made it difficult for him to interpret some new villain characters, and it has also made people more willing to believe that he is just creating a lost lamb for a while, and will eventually return to the right path. Fortunately, this movie was originally arranged like this, and it also fits the audience's affirmation of Zach's expected performance!

A very relaxing and enjoyable movie, which allows us to calm down and let go of the burden and laugh happily. The film’s many restricted images also provide a lot of jokes in it, and it’s full of obscure and connotative thoughts that really make us laugh. Something! The things of the little people, the touch of the little people, although there is no serious atmosphere, it gives us a serious ending. After seeing the laugh, it makes people reflect, maybe this is also the director's good intentions for the film from another angle!

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Neighbors quotes

  • Assjuice: Do you know how many bj's they promised me?

    Assjuice: Infinite bj's. They promised me infinite bj's

  • Pete: He puts his dick in your mouth while you were asleep, bitch!

    Assjuice: Uh-uh, I wasn't asleep.