Loyal traitor

Georgiana 2021-10-20 17:36:12

The movie is very good, but it is a little uncomfortable after watching it.
A loyal policeman has gone through all kinds of hardships, and sacrificed his family to be an undercover agent. In the end, he was only paid a few hundred dollars and a medal, but he and his family could only spend the rest of their lives in secret; one was a black hand. People who have been struggling for life in the party cause, after 30 years of work, only got a lion. In the end, they were sent to jail because of the policeman they trusted.
I like the translation of "loyal and traitor" very much. It not only shows the protagonist's wandering between "loyalty" and "traitor", it also has the same pronunciation with "middleman", which shows the protagonist's status.
"Loyalty" and "rape" should represent the police and the mafia, but in this movie it is indeed the common confusion between the police and the mafia member. The policeman played by Johnny Depp is dedicated to justice and fairness, but undercover work is dangerous and not understood, and his work cannot be supported by the police. After a quarrel with his wife, facing his wife’s doubts, he finally said his heart: "I am not a person like them (mafia), I have become them." He really became that person. Yet? Probably not, otherwise he would not be so painful, just because he sympathized with the Mafia played by Al Pacino, he sympathized with his experience, he felt a little like his father, and he felt like himself. So when the police finally wanted to take an encirclement and suppression operation, he refused to act, but persuaded Al to leave. The Mafia member played by Al has worked hard for 30 years without any promotion. He must also obey orders to kill, even if the person killed is his friend for many years, he has no choice. He hates the leader of the mafia, but he is unable or even unwilling to leave. Facing the police's persuasion, he has long known what to do. When he knew that the person he sponsored was an undercover agent, he no longer regretted it. "Faithful" and "treacherous" are not synonymous with the two protagonists, but a character shared by the two of them. They just don't know how to choose between the two.
And "loyal traitor" and "middleman" are homophonic. From a superficial level, Al's role is a middleman, who is approached by the police, played by Johnny. Al guarantees Johnny to ensure that he can enter the Mafia, so that it can start. Undercover operations. But from a deeper point of view, is the policeman played by Johnny not an intermediary? He is just a small policeman in the entire police circle, a chess piece set up by the police station to eradicate the Mafia. Johnny, Al, and the little police and the little mafia around them are actually middlemen. They are just victims of a contest between two interest groups—the government and the gang. The people above will never get into trouble, but the fate of these "middlemen" will be ill-fated.
I watched three Al Pacino movies in a row, "City Hall", "The Dawn of the Owl" and "The Traitor". This was the last one I watched, but the first one I watched. The collaboration between Al Pacino and Johnny Depp in the movie is really good. There are three scenes in the movie that I like very much. First, when Al knows that the new "member" he brought with him, Johnny, has been promoted, he looks dissatisfied and unable to vent and hurt; second, Al knows that he is unavoidable after being in prison. All the valuable things are put in the drawers for the woman he loves, and I am afraid that she will not be able to see, so I open the closed drawer again; thirdly, after Johnny completes the task, he is rewarded by the police and looks at his own The dazed expression at the medal.
(Al was already old at that time, but Johnny was so tender at that time~~~)

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.