This film is a commercial step further than director Catherine Bigelow’s last work "The Hurt Locker". It no longer appears a bit bitter, so it is easier to be accepted by the market. . .
View more about Zero Dark Thirty reviews
Assunta 2021-10-20 17:34:52
View more about Zero Dark Thirty reviews
Maya: [to Navy SEALs] Quite frankly, I didn't even want to use you guys, with your dip and velcro and all your gear bullshit. I wanted to drop a bomb. But people didn't believe in this lead enough to drop a bomb. So they're using you guys as canaries. And, in theory, if bin Laden isn't there, you can sneak away and no one will be the wiser. But bin Laden is there. And you're going to kill him for me.
Justin - DEVGRU: So Patrick, be honest with me. You really believe this story? I mean
[turns to Maya]
Justin - DEVGRU: no offense, no offense, I don't.
[turns away]
Justin - DEVGRU: But... Osama bin Laden?
Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: Yeah.
Justin - DEVGRU: What part convinced you?
Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: Her confidence.
Justin - DEVGRU: That's the kind of concrete data point I'm looking for. I'll tell you buddy, if her confidence is the one thing that's keeping me from getting ass-raped in a Pakistani prison I'm gonna honest with you, bro. I'm cool with it.