What's the fucking am I? Forget about it.

Robb 2021-10-20 17:32:56

Some movies. Maybe not like "The Dark Knight" or "Deadly Magic", it will shock you the first time. But watching over and over again, you will find more and more that the director and the protagonist have their accomplishments in the details. Every time you taste this movie, you can be shocked, moved, understood, and re-understood. Have a new perspective on the world.
For example, "Guess the Train". For example, "The Loyalist". Depp has become red and purple over the years, and the story of pirates never seems to have an end. But who would notice that he had all the qualities of being a truly great actor in the 90s. He picked up the jewel and meowed a few glances, then threw it to the old Al, telling the old mafia lightly, you'd better sold it to somebody who don't know it. Then poor Lefty took the bait.
If Depp only showed what he should do, Pacino gives me the feeling that he is always going beyond what he wants to do. The godfather's Pacino was too young, more than handsome, and not domineering. Of course, his city is extremely deep and full of scheming. But that kind of exposed domineering peculiar to Al Pacino really formed after "Scarface" and "Midnight Fright". The old blind man with unique taste and arrogance in "Scent of a Woman" is the pinnacle of this domineering. In "Traitor", he finally no longer domineering, but his acting skills still surpassed his own role, making everyone around including Depp lose their style.
Wise guy always right. Even he's wrong he's right. The lines of "Favourite Guy" always have a kind of humor, full of mafia characteristics. Lefty is a small person, but every moment he deliberately shows his strength. It ended in failure almost every time. Depp used small tricks to solve the problem that he pretended to be cruel when he was chasing $8,000 in debt. He was so scared to see the lion that he made a fool of himself when he was making his so-called grilled chicken that only he could cook. It was his girlfriend who helped him put out the fire, watching Depp step by step being trusted by the boss with a dazed and lost face, and finally moved countless audiences to bid farewell to his girlfriend. Al Pacino perfectly changed from a godfather to a member of the Mafia, and is the lowest-end party member. No longer cruel and strong, all that is left is the little gangster's fake tiger, although he is still not merciless in killing, but when he really faces the test, his emotions always overcome himself. Perhaps this is the reason why many people cannot succeed. Not cruel enough, ruthless enough, decisive enough, not enough to treat everything as a deal, not enough to take a gamble on one's own life.
But these people are good friends. If Sonny is dead, Downey won't shed a tear, but what about Lefty? Watching him hunch down and roll Downey's money into a roll, teaching Downey, wise guys never carry money in their wallet, they carry money in a row. I couldn't help being moved by this guy. A little man who has no merits, conceit, bluff, no real skills, cruelty, no money, no position, greedy for money, and no righteousness, has become the most touching person in the whole movie, making the undercover almost forget his mission.
When a movie is so real that you feel that you can almost see this person on the street, the movie may not be far from failure. People are always reluctant to look at the real things. They would rather spend a few hundred dollars to watch the story of blue-skinned people on another planet, or the mermaid pirate that cannot be created by genetic modification in a hundred years. But a movie like "The Traitor" is worth watching twice, three times, four times, five times.
Finally you have finally discovered the essence of life. couple. friend. cause. These are things that truly belong to your own life. What you gain, what you lose, what you pay, and what you gain.
If there is a choice, I will do Sonny Rad. But this world needs Lefty. All of us need Lefty. He is the life of all people. He has all the shortcomings and all the advantages.
When frustrated, think about Lefty. What's the fucking am I?
Maybe only forget about it.

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.