"Hugo": A tribute to the movie

America 2021-10-20 17:31:33

George Mérieux is the first person in the history of film to be called the "movie magician". In the era when movies were still magic art, he was a magician and mechanic who established the earliest movie studio, shot a large number of sci-fi movies, and created many pioneering movie techniques, such as coloring, orbits, and many today. Naive, but at the time it was a unique prop and setting. Many of the movie stills that we see in textbooks today, such as Juna Verne's "Travel to the Moon", are his works. It's a pity that his hand-crafted art can't bear the torrent of big industry. In 1913, his company went bankrupt, and the outbreak of war left him impoverished. The precious film footage was sold to a chemical company to produce women's high-heeled heels, and the film studio he founded was also burned. After the war, he opened a toy store in Paris train station, became a toy merchant, and has since retired from the historical stage of the movie. It is hard to imagine that the pioneers in the history of film have such an ending. Just as Mr. Mérieux said in the movie: "Happy ending only exists in movies.", so many people are embarrassed.

The story of the movie starts from that train station in Paris. After the death of his parents, the little boy Hugo became an orphan living in the big clock of the railway station. He looked at all kinds of people every day. He stole, was beaten, and was arrested, but the love of machinery that his father taught him was never change. In the most exquisite mechanical robot in the world picked up by that father, he discovered the secret of the movie.

Martin Scorsese's "Hugo" is undoubtedly a film made with a humble gesture of tribute. We can almost see that Martin is the professor who wrote the textbook in the movie. He visited Mérieux’s studio when he was a little boy and fell in love with the movie uncontrollably ever since. Seventy years ago, people began to miss movies to commemorate Mérieux, but today, people still miss movies. Movies are everyone's dreams, those moving images, those lens that came to life in books, things that were once thought to be out of reach, are now part of our lives.

The preciousness of this film lies in the reappearance of many early scenes in film history. Seeing people from a hundred years ago exclaiming at the scenes of trains entering the station on the screen, as well as the female factory workers coming off work at almost the same period, and later on the journey to the moon, 20,000 miles under the sea, how did the director take pictures of the pioneers of the industry that were overwhelmed at that time The story of film and how to innovate was presented to the audience. Although the subject Martin selected this time is peculiar, it is still history, and what Martin is best at is history. The majestic attitude and the control of the big scene give this film a kind of upright attitude, which is a gift from the younger generation to the senior.

The only place I think this movie is unnecessary is the use of 3d, unless Martin is saying to Mérieux in a gesture of comforting his ancestors, see, we have not let down your career. When I watched the trailer for this movie, I thought it was a fantasy like Polar Express, but halfway through it, I realized that it was purely historical.


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Hugo quotes

  • Isabelle: Who are you?

    Hugo Cabret: Your grandfather stole my notebook. I've got to get it back before he burns it.

    Isabelle: Papa Georges isn't my grandfather. And he isn't a thief. You're the thief. You're nothing but a - a reprobate.

  • Hugo's Father: A keyhole in the shape of a heart. Unfortunately, we don't have the key.