How old are you-"Red Flame Battlefield"

Rosemary 2021-10-20 17:30:26

The English name of the film RED: Retired Extremely Dangerous. Translated as a very dangerous person who has retired. They were originally agents of the Central Intelligence Agency. They retired and stayed at home and each had their own joys of life. However, the tree wanted to be quiet and windy. Because of a political conspiracy, they were all included in the list of active CIA agents. So forced, they took up their weapons and gave the CIA juniors a practical lesson of blood and tears.
Just like the characters set in the article, they are more like a farewell performance before retirement. Although they will continue to appear in various films afterwards, the chances of gathering on such a large scale in one film are getting less and less. NS. The average age of the actors involved is around 62.5. Among them, Bruce Willis is 55 years old, Helen Mirren is 66 years old, John Malkovich is 58 years old, Morgan Freeman is 74 years old, and Brian Cox is 65 years old. Although they were quite old, they still frightened those newcomers, and Jiang was still old.
"Red Flame Battlefield" is different from the real tough guy style of "The Expendables", with big muscles and dangerous moves. It is more of Wenxi and Wenqing cards. Although the action pictures are still hot and cool, the actual combat has been reduced, and most of them are slow motion special effects for personal shows. However, looking at the slightly wrinkled corners of the eyes and brows of the protagonists, smiles or sadness are all due to the accumulation of time and have the power to move people's hearts.
Since it is adapted from comics, there is a comic style both in the style of the screen and the setting of the characters. The lines are hilariously designed. There are no lack of touching details in the middle.
Marvin (Markovich), an agent with "persecution paranoia", worried all day that the government would send someone to assassinate him if it turned its face ruthlessly, so he prepared all kinds of disguise. Instead of living in a comfortable and spacious room, but using the car as a cover, a basement was cut out under the body, and a thick safety door opened in the basement, which seemed to be a rich library. No wonder Frank (played by Bruce Willis) asked him for help to find out what caused them to kill. The most classic line of Marvin is "I'm going to send out the piglet". So the fierce battle was imminent, and he took a pink piggy to the field. In the fierce fighting, he opened the pig's belly, and it turned out that there was a high-tech submachine gun inside... Marvin never forgot to disguise and not only behaved like this. In Florida he had to dress up as a tropical bush, and in Virginia he had to dress up as a colorful shrub. In addition, he always wore a big plastic bag to prevent being splashed with blood.
Queen Helen Mirren is still very charming when she appears, and people can't help but scream that her temperament is really good. The moment of picking up the weapon was heroic and powerful. Although the years still left marks on her skin, none of these can stop her beauty. At each stage, as long as we are willing, we can present a kind of beauty that belongs to this stage. The cultivation of this charm, Queen Helen Mirren is a role model. In the film, she plays an agent named Victoria. She worked with these male compatriots in the CIA before. When she was young, she fell in love with agent Ivan (played by Brian Cox). Ivan was killed as a test of her loyalty. Unable to be forced, she could only reluctantly fired three shots into the chest of her lover and then left. Of course, none of the shots were fatal. Years later, in this operation, they finally met again. As soon as Ivan met, his name was Victoria: Little Bunny. Frank heard it instantly petrified. Later, Victoria was unfortunately injured in the course of the action. She had already decided to die and then just grabbed the big iron gate to buy time for her companions. At the moment when the picture of sadness is about to be staged, Yifan appears as a prodigal son, and the hero saves the United States. At this moment, no matter how good it is.
Bruce Willis, the tough guy in "Die Hard", made us addicted while adrenaline soared. However, there is the old saying: Time flies! Years are like a shuttle! The 55-year-old may not be able to regain his skills, but we will still be fascinated by his smile, not purely for nostalgia, yes When time took away the body full of vitality and physical strength, it also gave people rich past feelings. His expression always contained something worthy of taste and chewing. When he learned from the phone that the friend Agent Joe (Morgan Freeman) who had just met was assassinated, his eyes instantly became extremely sad, and his tearful eyelashes fluttered with that kind of grief. There is no need to over-exaggerate. , The pain of not speaking has been fully explained by him. At the beginning of the film, the outside is full of lively atmosphere with pre-Christmas decorations, and he, who is used to a person, alone lights up the Christmas doll in front of the door. He enters the house, picks up the phone, and talks on the phone with the woman he has fallen in love with recently. His occupation made him accustomed to being a person and avoiding this danger from harming his family, but after retiring, he fell in love with the woman who was not very young. He told her that he raised an avocado, that avocado. Two leaves grew...
I am used to watching Morgan’s various orthodox roles, and then I saw his agent Joe in this film, pretending to be very weak in the Louisiana nursing home, tricking the caregiver into helping him fix the TV. Then he took the opportunity to peep at the caregiver's round buttocks unscrupulously behind him, and then chanted affectionately: This is so beautiful. Looking at his cynical attitude, thinking of his previous image is not only hilarious. At this time, although it can be thought that Agent Joe has died soon, he is an 80-year-old patient with terminal cancer. He did not die in the hospital bed in the end. He was a soldier, and the soldier was about to die on the battlefield, shrouded in horse leather. In order to cover his companions, he put on Frank's clothes, pretending that he walked out of the front door and was shot and killed by the enemy. But his disguise and sacrifice bought time for the rest of the team members. The rest of the agents lifted their wine to the sky after they were born on the run: this glass, to Joe!
It is this group of old opera bones that brought me a very good mood in this hot summer afternoon. They broke my long-standing fear: what should I do when I get old? People always get old, but old age means that they may have more than enough energy and may be questioned: Lian Po is old, can he still have food? Is it possible? Will be ridiculed: old and dishonest, lose the right to pursue happiness. But in fact, age is a double-edged sword. While it brings all kinds of dissatisfaction, it also gives us inexhaustible experience, a calm and non-frizzy character, and a firm heart. It’s the same when you are old, you have a heart that pursues happiness, calmly accept everything that is available, and calmly face all the things that may happen. A warm smile, a knowing humor, and a concerned look. Even if that face is no longer youthful and full of wind and dust, it will still bloom a peerless flower.

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RED quotes

  • Joe Matheson: We're gettin' the band back together.

  • [Frank calls Cooper on the phone; Cooper is told to stall him while the call is traced]

    Frank Moses: Here's the thing, Cooper. With age... comes a certain perspective. I'd be a liar if I said there wasn't a time when I was exactly like you. Blind ambition. Misplaced trust.

    William Cooper: Why are you telling me this?

    Frank Moses: It may help me to decide what to do next.

    Interrogation Surveillance Tech: [technician tracing the call whispering to Cooper] Just keep it going.

    William Cooper: Why? What are you thinking about?

    Frank Moses: Our business is a very hard one. But it was never the, uh... the killing or the stress, the bad pay that bothered me.

    William Cooper: Well, what was it, Frank?

    Frank Moses: It's how anything that you love... can be taken away from you. It taught me never to care. Never to invest. Then I met this woman. Sarah. And now you have her. Now I can't think of anything more horrible than to know that your enemies can hurt someone you love. The feeling is almost indescribable.

    [the trace completes, and the technician hands Cooper a printout]

    Frank Moses: You still there, Cooper?

    William Cooper: [horrified] You're at my house

    [Frank looks out the window into the yard where Cooper's wife and two children, unaware, are playing]

    Frank Moses: Almost indescribable, isn't it?

    William Cooper: [whispering] Please... Please don't hurt my family.

    Frank Moses: If anything happens to Sarah, I will rip everything you love out of your life. And then I'll kill you.