Be responsible for everything you have tamed

Alana 2021-10-20 17:29:25

The Lord God used the dust on the ground to create a man and breathed life into his nostrils.
He became a living, alive man named Adam.
"Old Testament: Genesis" Chapter 2 verse 7

Every time I read this, I imagine that
I still don’t understand the picture very well what is meant by "becoming a living being with spirit"
. The program is then started, and Adam is alive.

This is the plot where mankind was originally created.
As the doctor said, when God created Asia, he created a person who would love.
Therefore, doctors must also create robots that are like humans and know how to love.
David is the first robot to love.
Love is a preset program for him, which can only be activated under a unique password.
Once you love, you can no longer change the object of love unless he destroys his chip.

When Monica read the password, David fell in love with her just like that.
Love infected all his thoughts like a virus.
From then on, there is only one thing left in his life: loving his mother wholeheartedly.
However, his mother was never activated, and her mother didn't love him.
To his mother, he is just a substitute for
a metal machine entangled with wires, a toy that can be discarded and destroyed.

He was abandoned in a jungle of scrap copper and iron.
While he is still in love, he still hopes that
he still believes in the fairy tale his mother said, the blue fairy will turn him into a real little boy.
Despite the fairy tale, my mother told it to her son Martin.
Although mother said that fairy tales are fake, you are also fake.
But he still stubbornly embarked on the journey of looking for the blue fairy, he wants to become real, he wants his mother to love him.

Little David sank into the deep sea and prayed in front of the blue fairy for two thousand years.
For two thousand years, the world has been vicissitudes of life.
Mom is gone, and the doctor is gone.
And his love is still there, the name imprinted on the chip is still there.

Perhaps it was the director who couldn't bear to give the story such an ending.
Two thousand years later, mankind has become extinct.
A group of robots after 2000 found David on the bottom of the sea, extracted his memory, and created a huge hallucination for him.
The illusion was only one day, and his mother was with him.
There is no Martin, there is no Henry, only a mother who loves him.
His mother washed his hair, made cakes, hide-and-seek, and
finally fell asleep holding his mother's hand, and finally fell asleep in the frozen deep sea.

This is not a story of a robot, David is not a robot.
David is Adam. He is us, a human being.
Don’t we, like David, were entered into a predetermined program on the day we were created?
When someone tells you a secret password, or makes a certain action,
this program will start, burning the name of the initiator on the "heart piece".
This process is called "love", and this process is called "domestication".
The Bible says that God is love, and we are made in His likeness.

"People have forgotten this truth," said the fox.
"But you shouldn't forget it. You are now responsible for everything you have tamed."

Responsibility sounds heavy.
We are afraid of being responsible, but we want to constantly have a
greedy learning of many passwords, to start the love of one person after another,
just want to brand our name on as many "heart slices" as possible, and
we lightly say many beautiful things. Oath, but never said what would happen if it couldn't be done.
Never thought that when we can no longer be responsible for the tamed people
These "heart pieces" will be destroyed and shattered into ashes.

What a selfish behavior, we use loneliness as an excuse.
However, loneliness is not that no one loves you, but that you love no one and want someone to love you unhesitatingly.
Loneliness does not mean that no one loves you, but that someone loves you, but you are desperately longing for more love that you don't want to reciprocate.
A delusion of getting something for nothing, human beings are not worthy of the eternal love like David.

Everyone used to be little David.
All have believed in love like that, innocent children.
When you decide to tame him, please love him with your heart, and don't easily break a white heart.
You should not forget this truth and be responsible for everything you have tamed to the end.

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Extended Reading

A.I. Artificial Intelligence quotes

  • [David arrives to the Swinton residence for the first time, taking a step on the wooden floors of the home, taking a second step that makes a second tap]

    David: [looking back to Monica] I like your floor.

  • [David meets the Blue Fairy Mecha]

    Blue Mecha: [David walks towards the Blue Fairy Mecha calling his name from his bedroom] You have been searching for me, haven't you, David?

    David: For my whole life.

    Blue Mecha: And what, after all this time, have you come to ask me?

    David: I have a wish to make.

    Blue Mecha: And what is your wish?

    David: Please make me a real boy... so my mommy will love me and let me stay with her.

    Blue Mecha: David, I will do anything that is possible, but I cannot make you a real boy.