Love in different worlds

Alta 2021-10-20 17:28:27

"We are finally together." ——When
Johnny Rigo Johnny said these words, he was not facing Carmen Ibanna, his beloved one, but his old friend Tice Froe.

Johnny and Carmen
"Why are you so happy?"
"I'm going to launch a battleship today."
On the day of receiving Johnny's letter, Carmen played a magnificent maneuver over the base in a small aircraft. The girl who was with her asked her why she was happy, and her answer was not Johnny, but the battleship.
One is the captain of the school football team, and the other is a beautiful top student. Johnny and Carmen seem to be the most enviable pair in the school. However, Carmen saw that Johnny's math score was only 35 points. It was like knowing that Buenos Aires, the city where his family was located, had been destroyed. It seemed that it could be treated as someone else's business, and had nothing to do with him.
She knew exactly what she wanted. When talking about the 500,000-ton battleship, her eyes seemed to be radiating light.
The disconnection of the tubing was just right. The turn when leaving the cabin was only 3 meters away from the bridge. During the night shift, he made his own proposal to modify the navigation method and avoid asteroids in a thrilling manner... When Carmen touched the Yang Luojie for the first time, it seemed to say, "Hey, I finally The action of "coming" has already revealed that she wants to live here.
With the assistance of Tice, Johnny became the monitor. On this day, Johnny received a letter from Carmen. In the letter, Carmen asked Johnny if you were a class leader? Johnny smiled triumphantly behind the camera. The camera switches, Carmen shows Johnny a beautiful space planet in the universe, and then tells Johnny that she wants to be a professional soldier and command a battleship. She needs to seize the opportunity. For this reason, they may not have time to interact, so the two people It's best to separate. She said, let us be friends.
The comrades who came to booby quietly dispersed. Li Wei, who was shouting "Brother Rui, you are not worthy of her" just before the camera, walked over and said, "They hurt your heart and want to be friends." Said: "I came to the army for her. I wouldn't be here without her." Yes, for the sake of Carmen, he almost broke off relations with his parents, and joined the mobile unit with nothing except the clothes on his body. Li Wei opened his mouth and said, "What are you talking about, you are the class leader by your own ability. At least you still have me to send."

Johnny and Tice
"Why didn't we become a couple?
" Can't we just be friends." At the
prom, Tice avoided Carmen and asked Johnny to dance. After this night, maybe the two will never see each other again, and the secrets they have kept for many years finally broke out, but it's a pity that the other party already has a sweetheart, so the chance is cold and zero. Carl came to dance with Tiss in a hue, a crying scene turned into a helpless smile.
We don't know how Tice learned that Johnny had joined the mobile unit, nor how she learned about Johnny's class. In short, she tried her best to transfer to Johnny's side. The fight with Lieutenant Sim showed that she deserves to come to this harshest place.
"You do flips and we can score." Thanks to Tice's assistance, Johnny became the squad leader. The former rugby teammates also had such a tacit understanding on the battlefield.
After the fierce battle of Tango Ghost Star, Lieutenant Reich brought in a barrel of beer and things to play with. Of course, Li Wei's violin is indispensable. The soothing music sounded like the dance party once again after graduation from middle school.
Far away from the earth where Buenos Aires no longer exists, Tiss doesn't have to sneak in to figure out a way to dance with Rigo. This time, she rushed straight up and took Rui Ge's arm. However, Rui Ge rejected Tiss again. At this time, Lai Qi stopped Rui Ge and said to him, you asked me for advice. I am telling you now, "When you see a good opportunity, you must seize it."
When Johnny saw Tice dancing with Walken, he seemed to understand what Ricky was referring to. After the prom, Johnny took the tie ribbon to his tent, and the two kissed together on the bed.
On planet P, killing the beetle alone became Tiss's swan song. As soon as the cheers started, an Arachi worm rushed over and inserted its pointed claws into Tisse's chest. "Johnny, I'm dying." "You'll be fine." "It doesn't matter, because I loved you." Died in front of the person she loved, Tiss was happy; however, she was unfortunate again, just now The happiness gained can't be grasped anymore.
Under the shadow of the god of death who was with the Zerg, it was impossible for every soldier to predict whether he would die tomorrow. Some people may wonder whether Tiss and Johnny are together, whether it is love or sexuality. After Tice died, Lieutenant Rigo, the leader of the future tough guy, met Carmen, the rescue pilot who thought he was already dead. The two seemed to have a thousand words, but after seeing the fleet's upcoming offensive, he said nothing. Did not say turn around and leave. I think this is enough to show that what exists between Johnny and Tice is love.

Carmen and Sander
"Do not exceed the takeoff speed limit, otherwise your right to fly will be cancelled. And mine."
"So, your future is in my hands."
Encounter Sander on the Yang Luojie, this is Things Carmen never thought of. So she said, maybe it was destined. Sander's answer was, "Maybe not."
When Johnny died in a live ammunition exercise due to a command error, Sander brought coffee to Carmen who was on the Yang Rogers night shift. Sand tells Carmen that Captain Di thinks they should formally partner because they are all excellent, leading in every way, and she knows what he wants. Carmen smiled sweetly and said, I don't know what you want. When she said this, her eyes glowed with love.
In the game a year ago, Sander pounced on the opponent's captain Johnny and finally pounced on the stands, but he pounced on Carmen's feet. After learning that Sand was about to enter the Starship Academy, Carmen asked Sand if he would go to the prom. Johnny was furious and told Sande who had returned to the court not to beat his girlfriend. Sander's reply was that love is like a battlefield.
Knowing that Carmen was about to become Yang Luojie's co-pilot, Sander also came to Yang Luojie and "directed" the encounter between the two.
Just before the start of Star Wars in Clandoff, Johnny met Carmen. The encounter between the two who are no longer lovers was originally a sad scene, but the appearance of Sande shattered the warmth. The two rivals fought at the base. Tiss persuaded Johnny to open, telling him that he was not worth it. Carmen was just standing in the middle at this time, did not try to dissuade any party, but at the end stood on Sander's side.
The Yang Luojie was hit, and the crew fled in all directions. Sand took Carmen and escaped to the rescue capsule and fell to Planet P, which was in bloody battle. It was very unlucky to hit the Zerg cave directly, but as a result, he encountered the terminator of his own life-the head of the Zerg. After losing the resistance, Sande handed the only weapon in his body-along with the military dagger he carried to Carmen. After provoking the head of the Zerg, he was drained of his brain and died in front of his beloved woman.

The love in different worlds is
like the super-fucky hypocritical phrase "If life is only like the first sight", this love story returns to the beginning before the beginning of the film at the end of the film. Carmen holds Johnny and Carl on both sides, saying that as long as three people are together, there will be no disadvantages; just like when they graduated, three people put their hands together and said that they would be friends forever. In these two shots, there is Johnny and Carmen, but there is no love.
Carl said that one day the war will end, and everyone will forget that the hero of this battle is not the powerful fleet or sharp weapons, but the instructor Sim who caught the head of the Zerg.
Yes, people will forget this war, forget Tiss who was killed in a flash when he was rescued on a mission with a very low survival rate on planet P, forget Sande who was the last brain sucked by the head of the Zerg, forget this There are thousands of dead or continuing loves in the war.
In these tens of thousands of loves, I will remember the kiss that surprised me-after returning from the planet Clandaf, Johnny was put in a solution to heal huge wounds on his legs, Tice and Levina He came along with the news that he had been declared dead and told him that they would join the tough guys. As she left, Tiss seemed to just suddenly remembered, turned back and gave Johnny a kiss through the glass. The kiss lasted 5 seconds.
Just as there is a post saying that men should cherish the girls who were with them in their 20s, because at that time you had nothing, and at that time it was the most beautiful age of the girl.
When the plasma of the big beetle killed by himself was splashed on his face, Johnny completed his salvation and grew from a boy to a man. Throughout the process of growing up, it was not Carmen who accompanied Johnny, but Tice, as well as Ricky, who was a mentor, and Li Wei who grew up together.
I think the director Paul van Hoeven also has great respect for Tiss, because Tiss enjoyed the only military funeral in the entire film. Tiss's coffin floated into space, and life was calm.
In addition, I want to mention Carmen again. For Carmen, love is not a necessity. When parting with Johnny, she could not directly respond to Johnny with a sentence "I love you"; as for him and Sander, I think it can be understood as a suitable candidate for her pursuit of what she wants. . Johnny or Sander, or both of them died, what can she do for her? She can still drive a battleship weighing up to 500,000 tons, can still enjoy the vast cosmic scenery, and can still become the leader of a ship under her efforts. For Johnny and Sander, it must be said that this is sad.
Everyone is born with their own trajectory. If Johnny didn’t join the army for Carmen, if Tiss didn’t follow Johnny, if Sander didn’t learn that Carmen would drive the Roger Yang to apply for a transfer, if Johnny also entered the Starship Academy, if these originally belonged to everyone. If one's own life trajectory does not cross...
but there are not so many ifs in life. What should we do? As a teacher, Lai Qi gave this answer-
"It is true freedom to make decisions for yourself. Cherish this freedom and decide for yourself."

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Starship Troopers quotes

  • Sky Marshal Dienes: We must meet this threat with our courage, our valor, indeed with our very lives to ensure that human civilization, not insect, dominates this galaxy *now and always*!

  • Carl: We thought there might be a Brain Bug on 'P'.

    Carmen: You knew and still you sent them?

    Carl: We couldn't afford to launch an operation if there wasn't one.

    [both Carmen and Johnny look at Carl with contempt]

    Carl: You disapprove? Well, too bad! We're in this war for the species, boys and girls. It's simple numbers. They have more. And every day I have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths.

    Johnny Rico: Didn't they tell you, Colonel? That's what the Mobile Infantry is good for.