About the "Knapsack Theory" in the film

Lee 2021-10-20 17:28:02

In the film, there are two descriptions of the backpack theory:
"How heavy is your life? Suppose you are carrying a backpack and feel the straps on your shoulders. Do you feel it? I want you to take everything in your life. Load this backpack and start with small things. Bookshelves, drawers, snacks, everything messed up, try to feel the increasing weight, and now start to put bigger things in it, clothes, things on the table, desk lamps , Towels, pillows, and TV sets. Now it should not be too small. Put bigger things in it. Put your sofa, bed, dining table, and car into it. Your home, whether it’s an apartment or a three-bedroom, one-bedroom, I want you to put them all in. Now, trying to walk down the road, is it a bit strenuous? This is what we do every day. We keep gaining weight until it is impossible to move. We will never allow a mistake. Life is Keep moving, now I want to burn your backpack, what do you decide to take out of it? Photos? The photos are for those who can’t remember things. Just eat some melatonin and burn them. Tell me. You guys, burn everything. Imagine getting up tomorrow morning, solitary and easy going into battle. Isn’t it easier?"
"This is what I do at the beginning of every day.-You will have a new backpack, People who need you to put in this time are people, starting with the general acquaintances, friends of friends, the guys around the office, and then the people you trust the most, the people you can tell the secrets, your cousins, brothers, Your uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, your parents, and finally your wife, husband, boyfriend and girlfriend, put them all in your backpack, don’t be nervous, I won’t let you light it. At this moment, feel it The weight of the backpack and the relationship between you and the people around you are the heaviest burden in your life. Imagine the straps on your shoulders, embedded in your shoulders. Those agreements, arguments, secrets, and promises, you need to bear them. All the weight. Try to put down the backpack, some animals are born to carry each other in order to survive, living in symbiosis, rushing for a lifetime, like lovers in love under the catastrophe, monogamous swans. We are not those animals, the slower we move , The sooner death comes, we are not swans, we are sharks."
The knapsack theory has a sense of hierarchy: matter is the foundation of our existence. The first part is about matter. We are always burdened with the pressure of various materials needed for survival, and we often suffer from the expansion zone of material desire formed beyond this. The second part is interpersonal. People are always constrained by various social relationships, so they have wives, husbands, and boyfriends and girlfriends, as well as agreements, arguments, secrets, and promises. We always carry everything on our backs and go forward indiscriminately. All our burdens seem to be the unbearable weight of life, but time flies, time flies, and the theory of relativity of time is "the slower you move, the faster death comes." .
Ryan advocated "burn everything, stand alone, and go to battle with ease" "We are not swans, we are sharks", so he became Mr. Alex's "empty bag".
The first debate on the "knapsack theory" was after a party.
Alex asked Ryan "Do you dislike your luggage or people", Ryan said that he "does not hate the people around him, and he is not a hermit" "I just want to be alone", so Eric Si asked again, "Do you want to be restrained or avoid responsibility?" Then, it was obvious that Ryan avoided the positive answer, "I don't think so, I just want to be alone", Ai Rix was silent and looked at him seriously. In fact, she already understood that Ryan herself didn't know what she needed. The pleasant association with Alex made Ryan have the urge to "pack things in the backpack".
The second controversy about the backpack theory was brought up by Natalie.
Speaking of Natalie, we first need to review her experience. For the sake of her boyfriend, she gave up her good job as a talented student in the local area and came to Ohama to start layoffs. Obviously, she didn't like this job. However, she is always working hard, always sticking to the responsibility of being a staff member. She uses her own creativity to save money for the company; she constantly strives to learn how to successfully lay off others. However, after a female employee of the client committed suicide by jumping into a river, she almost completely collapsed. She quit her job, and this experience has cast a shadow on her soul. However, from her final firm and deep eyes, we can see that Natalie has become mature. Emotionally, although her ideas are almost naive, she always tries and pursues them. In fact, we have all been naive, because we have all been young and have experienced the stage of adolescence. Even after breaking up with her boyfriend, she drank and sang with another man in the bar to seek relief, but after waking up the next day, she still felt guilt, which can be understood as the role of emotional responsibility inertia. In short, Natalie is a responsible and emotional person, which is doomed to the irreconcilable conflict between her and the "knapsack theory".
Finally, once while taking pictures of Ryan, a head-on conflict between them began.
Natalie asked him what the relationship was with Alex. Ryan had a disdainful attitude, saying that it was the kind of ordinary relationship, in a very casual tone, without even thinking about it.
When people do things, they think of the result, that is, the role of reason, and they may realize the existence of responsibility. However, Mr. Empty Backpack's backpack is always empty.
When Natalie asked Ryan if their relationship had a result, Ryan said that she hadn't thought about it. Natalie was already quite angry at this time!
When Ryan stated that she was only interested in the feeling of "looking at each other’s souls, and the whole world was silent for this", and things at that moment, Natalie scolded Ryan as a jerk, only Twelve’s. age. In fact, what Natalie wants to show at this time is that feelings without responsibility are naive. The age of 12 is a very interesting age. At this time, there is no adult, with simple rationality but not responsible for everything, can freely associate with the opposite sex that interests oneself, do not have to worry about the promise of love, and can even tell the other party directly, it is only caused by each other's hormones Ignorant.
Of course, at this time, Ryan has indirectly expressed the idea of ​​putting Alex in her backpack, and is also actively helping her sister to take pictures. He has relaxed his insistence on his "backpack theory". However, it didn't make him break through this line of defense. The psychological defense seemed to make him afraid to accept the authenticity of this feeling.
The third conflict was hidden. When Ryan’s brother-in-law was about to have the wedding, he retreated, feeling the shortness of his life, and hesitated to embark on his own road of marriage. After the children are raised, let them buy a house, get married, have children, such a reincarnation, what is it for? Ryan's brother-in-law began to question the meaning of life. In the eyes of Ryan's brother-in-law, marriage is a besieged city. Those who go in want to come out, and those who come out want to go in. Ryan's next answer was really powerless. But his loneliness theory finally convinced him-"Everyone needs company." This is also Ryan's true feelings, and the appearance of Alex only makes him feel more lonely!
Towards the end of the film, the backpack theory climaxed. In a speech, Ryan was repeating his own backpack theory. Suddenly, if he realized something, he interrupted his speech, rushed out of the venue, and ran towards the queen in his mind! He abandoned his backpack theory and didn't want to be an "empty backpack" Mr.! He was eager to pack Alex into his backpack, always carrying her! However, jokingly, the queen in front of him was actually a married woman, the mother of two children-he didn't know this before! He didn't believe in himself, and then he fell into the abyss of despair!
As Alex said, Ryan didn't know what he wanted at first. What he had done before was just ran out of his backpack and floated in the clouds.
Alex originally thought that the relationship between each other was well known-I am your occasional comfort, you are my little support, I am a passerby in your life, and you are an episode of my life.
But Alex did not expect that Ryan's concept had changed, and he had already realized ignorantly about what he wanted! However, when Alex asked him "what the hell did he want," Ryan was speechless and silent.
Women's desire for security is inherent, even if Alex does not have a family, their relationship will still not change! Because Alex can't find a sense of security in Ryan! "I am an adult", and you, only twelve years old!
At the beginning of the film, Ryan hated the shackles of family relationships very much. He and his sister were very polite, and he and his sister were simply strangers. But under the influence of the intern Natalie, he gradually got closer to his sister and younger sister, and gradually accepted his thoughts on the true feelings of Alex. But when he really abandoned his empty backpack theory, the director gave him a thunderbolt-you are just an alternative, you are a deserter, you are wandering, when you suddenly arrive in a charming town, you want to be stable When it comes down, it is impossible to be accepted and accepted by others!
Since then, what the director wants to tell us has been very clear.

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Up in the Air quotes

  • Ryan Bingham: [Over the phone] I was hoping to hear from you

    Alex Goran: I'm in Hot-lanta and I need a rib joint recommend bad

    Ryan Bingham: Fat Matts: bring a bib

    Alex Goran: [referring to the initials of the airports she'll stop at during her business trip] I'm out of Hartsfield into IAD with a connection to ORD and SDF

    Ryan Bingham: Oh, sorry

    Ryan Bingham: Tell me about it how long is your lay over? They got multiples at SDF can you push?

    Alex Goran: Yeah I can push

  • Terminated Employee: [after having been told by Ryan he has been laid off as Natalie listens] How do you sleep at night? How's your family? They sleeping well at night? Electricity still on? Heat still on? Refrigerator still full of food? Gas tank full of gas? Going to Chucky cheese this weekend or something? Not me, me and my kids are not going to do anything