Worthy of a drama

Henri 2021-10-20 17:27:36

Undercover, a nightmare that can never be avoided. But the chivalrous courage in it makes me admire the love between men and men. That kind of firmness is sometimes even more heartbreaking and painful. They are not dual personalities, but they have to live a life of both yin and yang. It is not only responsibility that supports them to persevere, but also the protection of each other.

Left, the second-line figure of the Mafia who is always memorable: never rises up, willing to pay for the Mafia, has no prominent status, but knows the brotherhood in the underworld, and will never betray, even though he knows what he has done is wrong Decide. Their life value is reflected in the word brother. They also look forward to a stable life, but they understand that they are on a path of no return. They use the rest of their lives to wash their hands, but they have been injured before they escape. He has been cringing all his life, wanting to become prosperous, but he doesn't have that kind of courage and determination. He has to be steady in everything he does, and just ask for peace. But when he knew that his sponsored brother might be an undercover agent, he chose to deceive himself. This was not an escape, but the last sustenance. When he finally knew that Downey was indeed an undercover agent, he already had no faith in his position. In fact, Pacino's expression at the time was very similar to the silly strong in Infernal Affairs, but there was a difference in status and status. Maybe Silly Strong is the prototype.

The last shot of left freezes at the moment he left home, slowly and slowly, taking off all the valuable things from his body and leaving it to his wife and son. I was very depressed in that long lens. What kind of mood would that be? desolate? despair? fear? Probably all of them. Before he died, he thoughtfully told his wife, what kind of trust should this be if it was left to Downey? Brother, can only interpret this way.

Al Pacino's performance in it is simply impeccable, worthy of a drama. Left, there is no arrogant arrogance of Pacino in Scarface, and some are just muddled by the bottom figures of the Mafia. The pursuit of quality in life, but the cruel reality is helpless. In front of him, Depp is completely a junior. Is the role of Downey dispensable because of the director's deliberateness or Pacino's charisma? No way to know. Anyway, Depp must have taken a class~

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.