The great red dragon and the woman in the sun

Allie 2021-10-20 17:26:45

The lamb is always an ambiguous image sustenance, which is often not as clear as the other things in the play, and it makes people feel more strongly.
In "The Silent Lamb" is the black witch moth, flying under the gloomy light and shadow, always giving people a creepy and weird feeling like apocalypse. In the "red dragon", it is a symbol of the dragon with universal power, with traditional oriental concepts.
Agent Will flipped through Blake's picture album in the library. There was this picture in it. The sidenote was titled "The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun", which means "The Great Red Dragon and the Sun Clothed with the Sun". woman". In the following description there is the following sentence: a "great red dragon" waiting before "the woman clothed with the sun" to devour the child that she is about to give birth to. According to tradition the dragon is worldly power and the woman Israel, oppressed in her innocence by the wicked. In these biblical watercolors, the oriental image of the dragon has long been a symbol of power and power in the eyes of the criminal Fransis. He tattooed a huge red dragon on his body. When exposed, it will produce a kind of surging sensation of breaking the cocoon into a butterfly along with the peristalsis of the muscles, which has a strong blasting force. This is also the "becoming" he pursues. He believes that the tabloid reporter who slandered him owes him awe, not fear. This is Fransis's respect and pursuit of status. It is the transformation he needs to make the dragon on his body show the real kingly spirit through psychological hints.
But it can also be seen that the reason why he is so eager to become a "red dragon" is also related to his bleak life experience. As Will himself said, when reading Fransis' diary, he would feel so sad. The formation of a perverted murderer is often related to his special growth background. He himself has been abused by his grandmother, especially mentally subjected to castration-style persecution, which makes him suppress the confusion and confusion of a man’s growth, making him feel Panicked and lost in extreme shame, and had to be forced to think of those cursive words from time to time. From childhood to adulthood, he survived in the shadow of his grandmother. Although she died in the end, the portrait still stared at him like a ghost, restraining him. On the front page of his diary, there is a sentence "Behold A Great Red Dragon".
Growing up in a strong sense of inferiority and fear, his heart needs an extreme demand for the king, so he follows the words in Blake's album and commits crimes. He devours paintings 200 years ago, and he is ignited in irrationality and extreme rationality. The cold house that had haunted him all his he thought about rebirth.
Rebirth is actually not uncommon in Chinese legends, especially in the form of phoenix nirvana. That has to do with fire. Everything was burned in the flames, but it also contained the meaning of surviving again. Although Fransis imitated a dragon, he finally burned the house, trying to burn his most feared grandmother and his favorite woman in the house that filled his extremely gloomy past. Take this to be reborn. And his killing was also attached to this layer of motive for rebirth, like a carefully planned pilgrimage, going step by step.
In "The Silent Lamb," Bill also dreamed of being able to metamorphose like a moth, so he took a lot of bloody perverted methods. Perhaps this is not a sin in their hearts, but art, a door to rebirth or reincarnation. They eagerly wanted to achieve this goal, but because of their own experience, their humanity was distorted, and they made a detrimental act on the lost track.
It is naturally impossible to forgive them. After all, blood debts are already high, but from another perspective, their life experience is unavoidably touching. Unable to get real warmth, unable to grow in the right direction, suffering from cold eyes or discrimination, unable not to suppress themselves in life. In the extreme suffering, eager to find relief, but the mud feet are sinking into a heinous crime. Both hateful and pathetic.
In fact, there are many such people in movies, and maybe it is because of the way of expression in movies that people can see the sorrow of a person's life in the compression of light and shadow. Like the sand people in "Spiderman 3", seeing what happened to them makes people think about their own tragedy in the human tragedy they created.
These unforgivable sinners, are they not the products and victims of sins?
It's just that there is nowhere to be reborn.

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!