The Call of the Wild——Mickey Rourke

Lura 2021-10-20 17:26:25

Movies are always like this: a miserable beginning often breeds a bright ending; and for a movie with a record of success and glory as the opening, the expectations you have for it may only be the huge shadow cast by the dazzling light. After all, with the exception of "Waiting for Godot", there is no drama without change.

But in life, we don’t like changes very much. Sometimes we pursue changes to deliberately hone our will or to climb a higher level, but whether we admit it or not, changes bring most people sadness, nostalgia, and nostalgia. Fear and insecurity, these feelings bother us, and even cast a gloomy color on the fresh scene before us. However, I have also seen another type of people who are not very common. They are always disappointed in the current state and always want to escape. They want to change not to climb up or to dignity and other human society-specific emotions. Just out of instinct. These people always have a kind of restless restlessness. I don't know if this symptom can be regarded as some kind of mental illness, but since ancient times, stories that can be told by people are often created by these people who are uncomfortable in real life.

When the noise and commotion at the opening of the film faded away, a painful cough sounded on the black screen, and then I saw the tired figure lying in the corner chair. Like many people, I learned from this bloated and scattered figure. Long hair only started to know Mickey Rourke. However, for all those who have watched or later watched Mickey Rourke's film before becoming a professional wrestler, it is inevitable that he will not be fascinated by him, and miss the personable, beautiful arc of his mouth in the film, and the softness of his mouth. Gentle voice. I couldn't believe what kind of madness he did not hesitate to throw away the beloved skin and replaced it with the image of Fauvism now.

Watching a few early movies of Mickey Rourke, his rebelliousness and awkwardness are also reflected in his film image. These characters mix the rumors in his own life, making him an unruly and unreasonable prodigal in the eyes of people. .

As long as you have seen the ocean, you can no longer live in a fish tank. This is the story of his Motorcycle Boy in "Betta Fish". He said that the reason why Douyu likes to spend his life in unknown battles is simply because the living space of the fish tank is too small. Just as a few years later, when Mickey Rourke took his footing in Hollywood, the circle of friends and collaborators was so small that it looked like a fish tank made of gold. Even if the onlookers admire it and think that it is not necessary to worry about survival in it, and there is no need to worry about when it will become someone else’s dish, but of course humans do not know that the call of wide waters is in the genes of fish. . Therefore, human logic can never understand the habits of eels. Why do they swim back to the sea with all their strength in search of death? In the end, Motorcycle Boy failed to ride a motorcycle on the beach in California for some unknown reason.

Another character that is more natural and crazier than Motorcycle Boy is Henry in "Barfly", a character created by Charles Bukowski, a drunkist writer whose life style is also shocking. He is happy to live in all the factors of instability: drunk in the streets, fighting people to the scars, often suffering from starvation... and feel infinitely at ease in this kind of transcendence lifestyle, he said that a comfortable upper class life In his eyes it was nothing but a gorgeous birdcage.

It is hard to say that Mickey Rourke's own values ​​have determined his vision for choosing roles, or that he has shaped his character in the constant interpretation of these unconventional roles. However, a person like him carries incomprehensible madness that ordinary people do not understand. He is destined to be unable to endure the painlessness of the actor's performance for a long time. In the end, he changed to a state of suffering and tossing and turning. So, he fled and fleeed. A more bloody and savage wilderness.

Mickey Rourke's relationship with boxing predates his relationship with movies. He used to be very quiet and submissive when he was a child, but at the age of 10 he finally raised his fist and began to resist the beatings from home and school. He started boxing as a teenager. Since then, the real sense of touch and pain in the body collision has left a deep memory for him, which he has never been able to find in the performance afterwards. In 1991, he finally made up his mind to give up film and become a professional boxer because he "had no respect for myself being an actor". At this time he was 35 years old, not the age of a passionate boy.

In Jack London's novel "The Call of the Wild", the wolfdog Buck is stolen from his comfortable owner's house. Since then, he has savagely struggled in the laws of nature, step by step from human society to the natural wilderness that he has been calling for a long time. Perhaps it was because of the same attraction, just like the instinctive call of wild beasts in the savage wilderness, Mickey Rourke took the initiative to abandon the stability and glamour in the public consciousness, and accompanied by Guns N'Roses Sweet Child O Mine, began to beat the world with his fists. Another career.

So far, the story is still like the most mainstream Hollywood inspirational blockbuster. But what happened after that began to have the bleak and authentic taste that is unique to small-cost independent movies like wrestlers.

He has also achieved some small successes in boxing, but more of them are expected or unexpected failures. Obviously, although age cannot be a burden to his unruly heart, it can take away his body's potential. He quickly retired from boxing in 1995. So he did not have a brilliant boxing career like Randy in the movie, but he lost as much as an old boxer who has been boxing for more than ten years. These four years left him with broken nose, cheeks, toes, and ribs. After the failed facial plastic surgery and the past, he looked like two people, and he was out of shape after excessive use of hormones. And what he left behind was the director who was gradually estranged after being rejected by him many times. The fast-changing Hollywood movie stage had no place for him. He fell more hated than Randy, but the sweet memories he got in his boxing career were. Almost negligible. Since then, various frustrations have flooded him: divorce-recombination-family crises again, the shame of boxing for a small audience for a few hundred dollars in living expenses, the oblivion of the audience, the sympathy of friends...Finally , Only his dog was left with him.

In an interview last year, the reporter asked if he wanted to commit suicide at that time. why not? Like the most famous deviant in Hollywood, James Dean and River Phoenix, they leave people with the best back and lasting memories. These are the destinations that people have arranged for them. And Mickey Rourke just locked himself in a cheap small room for several months not to go out. He said that he had never considered suicide.

It may be easy to evaporate from this world after failure, but there is nothing more difficult than "you were once a person, but now you are not", and you must continue to live. He borrowed Randy's mouth to curse the unbearable time in the wrestling hand: "I hate the 90s." In the 90s, the decadent Cobain ran out and messed up his love of metal music, and then shot it. He has become a hero that thousands of people admire. This "fame and then suicide" model has become more and more admired and has become the aesthetic of the era, and Mickey Rourke's bear-like fall from the peak to the deep valley is the same as the outdated metal music of Axl Rose, which can only grow old. Become the undead who wandered forever in the 80s.

A few years later, when Mickey Rourke returned to the film world with his current horrifying image, played a big villain in Enrique Iglesias' MV, and ran a trick in "Thin Red Line", he broke it again with his own hands. The thing is that he took the dignity to leave the film world. When he was still a professional boxer, there was a brief frustration after being hit. The doctor said that he could not box anymore. He arrogantly replied to the doctor that once the line crossed over, he would never look back. The failure of pride is also in line with the public’s aesthetics, but Mickey Rourke violated the rules once again. He won the role in "The Wrestler" and rewritten many of the characters’ lines based on his own experience, and he did not hesitate to put himself in front of everyone. Expose them one by one to announce his return.

Had it not been for the financial crisis that began to sweep the world last year, and instantly destroyed the indestructible financial giants in people's hearts, we would have almost forgotten the fragility of the behemoth and the unpleasant death of the behemoth. Many people re-examine the memories that time has left behind, and at the same time pay attention to things that are strong on the surface but may have been scarred on the inside. Because in the depression we see through death and destruction, even though they may appear brilliant and enthusiastic on the surface, we look everywhere for hope of surviving the storm, even if they are already dilapidated. In this era, Mickey Rourke and this "Wrestler", which is almost like his own biography, caused a huge response at the Venice Film Festival. In the end, the film gave a bloody idealistic answer to the real world filled with low air pressure—a persistence at the expense of life. But perhaps, this is just the wishful thinking of those of us who have not yet truly experienced the disappearance of their dreams and whose lives cannot end as they wished. After experiencing the bitterness and bitterness, Mickey Rourke said in an interview last year that he himself couldn't understand why, after paying such a heavy price for boxing, Randy finally chose to go to the field again. "Oh, this bloody damn," he said, a little confused and self-deprecating.

Isn’t it? The movie and the real story of this man’s ups and downs are nothing more than a crazy and funny circus show for most of us: a dog with a broken leg walks hard, and a scarecrow that never moves is covered with dust. , The one-armed man waved his fist into the air, and the one-legged man tried to dance gracefully... When the performer made himself scarred and blood dripping to the ground, we were excited by the occasional bloody smell, and at the same time felt Something has nothing to do with ease. But what the spectators will do in the end is just to retract their heads to a safe place again, to be content with a decent and peaceful life, and to avoid being laughed at by anyone.

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.