If you can go back in time, will you still be there for me like you did when you were 20?

Clotilde 2021-10-20 17:26:25

The girl asked, if you stop wrestling in the future, will you continue to pay attention?
I smile wryly, maybe it will.
April 5, 2009, Houston, USA.
Mickey Rourke did not get the Oscar winner, he can finally participate in the wrestling mania contest (WrestleMania).

I have interviewed many foreigners about whether professional wrestling is popular or not. Because of various reasons such as the region and the interviewee’s preferences, the answers I get are basically five to five points, but without exception, they all use one when describing professional wrestling. Words: fake, "too fake".
-"They all say that wrestling is fake..."
-"Okay, let me tell you what is fake. In 1986, at the Denver Stadium, Billy Bob attacked me with a wooden club, and the loose nails on it pierced my arms. The biceps were torn, leaving such a long hole; and even worse, here, in 1988, at the Orlando Civic Center, McNifeson fell on my shoulder with the help of a rope, causing my collarbone to split in half... "
-"Will it hurt?"
-"Almost can't breathe, but you have to survive the cheering of the crowd..."
This is Randy telling stripper Cassidy in "The Wrestler" if.

Frankly speaking, I don't love this sport. It can't even be called a sport. It is a show, a show of entertainment. We ridiculed wrestlers as muscular men who are incomprehensible. We ridiculed wrestlers as cruel and cold-blooded murderers. We despise them as big men who only understand violence...
Until a movie called "The Wrestler" is released, until, we truly Get in touch with this sport.
In 2008, "The Wrestler" was released and won the Golden Lion Award, the Golden Globe Award, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award, and was nominated for two Academy Awards, and so on.

A few days before the Oscars, Mickey Rourke's Chihuahua puppy Loki left him unfortunately. "This feeling is bittersweet. Compared with Oscars, I prefer Loki to live longer." Rourke said in an interview, "But you know, her life has come to an end."

Mickey on the day of the awards ceremony. Rourke wears a pair of big-frame sunglasses.
No one knows how fierce his heart is. He is over half a hundred years old, but he is still like a pupil waiting for the teacher to announce his test scores. He is so eager to return to the center of the stage, like a flash of light on the ring, but in the end For a moment, he lost to Sean Penn.
I no longer believe that the Golden Globes are the Oscar's bullshit.
Why is this ending?

Every time I watch this video, I feel that there are so many things I want to say. I want to tell more people that they are not just as simple as falling and falling, they have more things...
I stop, I don’t know how to write. , I tried to integrate all the thoughts in my mind, but found that all the words were so scarce, so pale and weak.

"...... And this is in great due respect to all the nominees, but courageous artists, who despite a sensitivity that sometimes has brought enormous challenge, Mickey Rourke rises again and he is my brother. Thank you all very much."
When Sean -When Pan finished his remarks, I suddenly felt a sense of clarity. We were unhappy because we had too many choices and too many requests.
The reason why people suffer is because you have faced too many choices and temptations.

Let me tell you some facts.
Professional wrestlers travel around 300 days a year. They spend much more time with the audience than their family members. Although they are engaged in sports and entertainment, they must train hard every day and be proficient in medicine. When you cut yourself, you will not hurt the main blood vessels and arteries. In the early hard-core games, it was like a movie description. Steel nails, chairs, glass, wooden sticks, etc. all went into battle...
Tell me friends, can you ask for anything more?

You can say that it was the rejection and ignorance of the mainstream that made Mickey Rourke lose the actor, but there is no doubt that the guy who gave up filming and became a boxer is back.

He longed for love, so he gave the most valuable thing in the car to her beloved; he longed to regain family affection, so he gave up his so-called dignity to face his frosty daughter; he lost everything, but he knew that there was a stage Still waiting for him to play the glory of life, even if there is no place in heaven.
He is him, if time can go back, he will still choose this kind of life.

"Have you ever seen someone with one leg wanting to dance freely? If you have seen him, you have seen me."

Believe me, he was more handsome than Brad Pitt back then.

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.