I hope you are a brand new virgin every day

Elinore 2021-10-20 17:26:25

Where should I start? For a while I hated my immaturity, before. In my opinion, immaturity and naivety are not the same concept, nor are they the opposite of mature in the popular sense. What I mean is that it’s not sophisticated enough, not sophisticated enough, not enough to pretend... In fact, these words have other meanings to you and to me, but forgive me, I can’t accurately translate These subtle indescribable differences are expressed. For example, I don’t think the way I smoke is sexy enough, if you have seen Gregory Parker smoking (Suede’s enchanting lead singer is also good). Just kidding. (Actually, I have no interest in smoking itself and lack of addiction. But it is inevitable that you need something to help you through those difficult moments. You will find that it is not the cigarette body that burns, but you Damn filthy evil hypocritical noble and pure soul. This sounds hypocritical and pretending, but some of you must know how correct this statement is.)

If you really knew I was here Whatever you say, you should understand that I am saying that I hate that I look immature, not that I am immature. Because there is no such thing as "mature" at all, but only "looks mature". No man will mature automatically, mature naturally. That's why the old Bob Dylan sang "How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man?". Maturity is never a natural attribute of a man. What I pay attention to is only the worldly evaluation of the outside world, not the inner heart, because I really know that I have no moment of "maturity", not in the past, and not in the future. Deep in my heart are all unattainable utopias, the reality is nowhere to be placed, all with feathers.

It seems that this thing is not mature enough, most people have extensive and profound experience. Speaking is always incomprehensible, offending everyone, emotions are always on the face, making everyone embarrassed, button the bottom button of the suit, the color of the foundation on the face contrasts with the color of other exposed parts, drink coffee I forgot to take out the spoon when I was talking to a stranger. I didn’t dare to look into the eyes of the other person, or I kept staring at the other person’s eyes and didn’t know the best way to put my eyes on the center of my eyebrows or the tip of my nose. Can't find the opponent's G-spot. There are so many things like this. You have no way to deal with a slightly unfamiliar environment and situation. Or to put it more simply, you look like a young child, lacking in depth both physically and mentally.

Speaking of young children, when I think of going home during the holiday, I suddenly find that the gang of distressed brothers can't even find a virgin. This is really the news that people and gods are angry and all the world celebrates together. It means that another group of bad men have passed the inspection during the probation period and began to mutilate the flower bones of the motherland in batches (the organization also proposed not only to be based in China, but also to look at the world). As for a buddy of mine, this also means that they have officially started a new life Say "Welcome to start a new life."). At the same time, I think this probably means that our age of innocence has officially ended. No one will write love letters for girls anymore.

In their long, long, warm and cold adolescence that has passed away. Masturbation is the only way for them to know and understand themselves. Each of them has a dying soul that has been tortured by the desire spreading deep in the body. This was the important reason why they couldn't catch up with the girls at that time. Their desire made them humble and made them begging for mercy in front of those little Lori who didn't know anything. As Foucault said, in today's de facto patriarchal society, the real power that women can hold is the power to reject men's desire for pleasure. In this field, they can really make men who want to burn their bodies and brains feel frustrated, yes, sexual frustration. This is the fundamental reason why women are more reserved than men. It does not lie in ethical discipline, but lies in the fact that they have little power at their disposal, and there is no reason not to make the most of it. According to Freud’s point of view, sexual frustration and the anxiety it brings and the process of overcoming it are one of the two important motifs of human poetry and even literature, which is the so-called love. Another theme is death. But none of these things are as pertinent and realistic as Hemingway's advice to young people. The tough guy said, "Boys, shoot a pistol before dating! Of course I am referring to your early date."

Now, this is nothing. The problem is, they successfully survived the severe winter, but can they survive the spring?

I recently watched the Golden Lion Award-winning film "The wrestler", a story of a loser, the middle-aged life of a wrestler who was once a smash hit, the fucking life of a man. What do you think after watching it? No, life is like this. It can't be said to be cruel, but it should be said to be fucking, and from the past to the present, in the foreseeable future, there is no hope of stopping. Accept it? Mickey Rock didn't accept it, so he returned to the wrestling ring when he was young and chose to die as expected. He can't accept living, and lacks the wrists to blend better in reality. As the incarnation of male hormones, he can't choose to die in a hospital bed, so he chooses to use the screams and the spotlight to use his youthful killing Skills, jumped down, everyone was overjoyed.

I'm also watching a series of "Mad Man", which tells the story of a group of advertisers on Madison Avenue in New York in the 1960s. The male protagonist resembles Gregory Parker, who is too stylish and has the prudent charm of the middle class. Have a good salary and status in the industry, have beautiful wives and behaved children, and have artistic lovers who are willing to be painkillers. At the same time, there are sinister office politics, an obscure past, and a life that you will never have the energy to deal with.

Don't worry, you have this day too. You will become ruthless and shrewd businessmen, politicians with honey-believed swords, successful people with big belly, or frustrated people in real life. In fact, compared to the past, your troubles are bigger. I hope that one day in the distant future, my brother, you can call me like in the past, abandon these mundane things, and let us play a live game.

Although you are destined not to impersonate Peter Pan forever, I sincerely wish you all new virgins every day.

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.