This is a long way back. . .

Jedidiah 2021-10-20 17:26:25

On the night of the Oscars awards ceremony, the camera always scans Mickilock’s dilapidated face from time to time. Many scars on the cheek collapsed and crawled on it, like makeup, and the re-uplifted bridge of the nose was framed by a wide one. Sunglasses, when he smiles, he just bows his head and flicks his long hair, seldom shows his teeth, because he is afraid that the audience in front of the TV will see the broken teeth in his mouth. At that moment, my heart was tangled and uncomfortable.

Mickey Locke’s acting career is mainly divided into three parts. The early rebel youths, such as the big brother riding Harley in "Betta", later became sexy idols, such as "Nine and a half weeks" and "Wild". "Orchid", and later became the thug and villain of countless movies, do you remember him in "Rage Rescue", "Counter Strike" and "Big Kill"? Even the role played in "Buffalo 66" is just a supporting role. In "Domino" and "Sin City", I even saw the cast, only to realize that he was in it. The once handsome and suave Mickey Locke will never appear on the screen again, so some people say that if he is beaten to death on the boxing ring after "Wild Orchid", then he will Become another James Dean of Min. Fortunately, we don't have to wait for another James Dean. Now, the 53-year-old is back and has the respect of everyone. "This way back is very long." Mickey Locke said,

if it weren't for Mickey Locke 's story outside of the movie, "Wrestler" is at best a reprint of "Angry Bull" and "Tekken Man", there is nothing to do. New ideas, frustrated old tough guys did not hesitate to give their lives to find the dignity of life, even "Ahu" is like this. But it is precisely because this movie has Mickey Locke starring, both in and out of the play are his own legends. It is not difficult to find the meaning of life in the movie. It is written in the script. But in real life, it has to overcome many difficulties to do it. Mickey Locke himself frankly said: An old man like me has the same life as his (laughing), but I never thought that they would come to me to act in a movie again. So I think that the film "Wrestlers", whoever changes it, will only be an ordinary inspirational and vulgar film. Only Mickey Locke can act in a good movie that is full of sorrow and touching. When Sean Penn led the best actor, the last thing he said was Mickey Locke: welcome my brother back.

PS: I have watched Aronofsky’s movies. He has such a super artistic performance that he can shoot in this "Wrestling King" so easy to understand, but it is not a difficult task. Compared with the obscurity and complexity of "Requiem of Dreams" and "Treasure Source", "Wrestler" is much simpler, plus Mickey Locke's personal experience, not to mention all of this, so the film only used 35 The day is over. Look at "Treasure the Source" Brother Arrow froze for four years, the film is acceptable, the bigger advantage is that he mixed the movie's starring Rachel Weisz into his wife.

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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.