A struggle full of realism

Raven 2021-10-20 17:26:05

"Wrestling King" has a lot of gimmicks that I watch, such as the Golden Lion Award-winning film, but the first thing that shocked me was its poster. On the poster, the long-haired wrestler held his head down on the fence of the wrestling ring, as if struggling to stand up, showing a little weakness and a little tragic. Randy in the film is like this, fighting on the wrestling stage, struggling in life, falling down frequently, and finally returning to the place where the dream started, where he came from and where he went, the whole film is full of reality. Inspirational and emotional.

The opening film shows Randy's former glory with cheers and newspaper clippings. Two or three minutes are enough to outline the image of a king who was once invincible in the wrestling field. But at the end of the title, when the film officially started, the subtitles "Twenty Years Later..." were played without leaving too much foreshadowing. The first few subtitles had already revealed the vicissitudes of life, followed by the vicissitudes of Randy's face. , The vicissitudes of the back, the vicissitudes of voice, the life of a wrestler who can't pay the rent, a wrestler who usually has to work part-time jobs to make a living, reveals the temper of the years. There is a detail in the film. When he is no longer brilliant, when people call his last name, he always emphasizes "Call me Randy". The word "Randy" is actually not just his first name, it is It symbolizes the glorious years of a wrestler nicknamed "Sledgehammer". When he grows old, when he is about to bid farewell to the only job that can give him glory due to a heart attack, he can only maintain him by insisting on this title. Dignity.

When people are frustrated, they always look at their own life again. The two emotional lines of Randy in this film unfold in a common pattern in inspirational films. One is love. If you want to swallow thousands of miles like a tiger, and the beautiful women around him, Randy must be indulgent and sensual, but there is also a beautiful woman in his heart, a stripper Kasidi. But now the glory is no longer, the lonely Randy sees her as the object of confession, but the confidante has something in common with him, that is, the glory is no longer. Striptease and wrestling are obviously careers with some youthful flavors. From Randy's attachment to Kahiti, we can also see how beautiful they were when they were both young. Randy, who looks tough, actually feels lonely and helpless in the gloomy days of his life. He needs someone to confide in. He chats with Kahiti in the car and goes to buy clothes for his daughter together. For the moment of tenderness, men often do not talk to each other and cry like women in difficult situations. Therefore, every man needs a close woman of his. When he is fragile, this is often his emotional support. . Another line of affection is the family relationship between Randy and her daughter. There are too many stories about the family regardless of the family when the career is high. The relationship between Randy and her daughter has eased from extremely tense to the beginning. In this short time, Randy is also suffering from a heart attack. On the happiest day after the attack, after being busy with fame, I finally felt how beautiful the life of a peaceful walk with my daughter was. The thick sweat at that moment made me feel kind and warm.

The thing that makes me feel great about this film is that when it enters some seemingly clichéd plots, it is not clichéd. When Randy thought he could enjoy a plain life, his emotional dependence was shaken, a kind of cruel, but real shake. Many stories in inspirational films are illusory. It is not that fragile men are lovable, making women want to spend a lifetime with you all of a sudden. Randy has his dignity and Kahiti also has her principles. Therefore, Randy’s emotions The temptation caused the stiffness of their relationship. The bad father-daughter relationship does not depend on a few encounters, but a few emotional shocks can be completely improved. Randy and his daughter’s past are not detailed in the film, but the daughter said, "When I need you to take care of you, where are you? !" It has been said that the family relationship that has begun to ease is so fragile that it can be destroyed by a single missed appointment. Therefore, Randy fell into the underestimation of life again. This was the second frustration, but it was also the beginning of his struggle. He finally understood his destiny. He was Randy, the sledgehammer that could destroy everything on the wrestling ring, the mall counter. It’s not his stage, but the wrestling ring is the carrier of his dreams. Therefore, with a fragile heart, he returned to the wrestling ring. In the background, although facing Kasiti who came to persuade him, the mountains behind him were whistling. Shouting is the greatest inspiration, as he said to the audience when he returned to the stage, "I want to tell you, because you are all my family, I love you all!", the film finally left an open solution, Randy jumped from a height with his stunts. Is he alive or dead? Can he and Kahiti get back together? Can he and his daughter reach an understanding? All this is left to the spectators to reverie. I like the final determination of Randy in this film. He may lose his life when he returns to the stage, but he wants to have a beginning and an end. A mediocre life can only accelerate his death. Therefore, throw away the emotions of career frustration that are common in inspirational films. The warmth of the above is illusory. He struggled to stand up again from the place where he fell. It was heartache and a little frustrating, but this was the touching real power. Randy stood up high on the fence of the wrestling ring. He is already above the hardships of life, how exciting is the next leap!

For me, "Wrestling King" is an infectious movie, and Randy's hardships and struggles are so real. And the performance of starring Mickey Locke is indeed very natural. After all, he was also an actor who entered the trough before, and this role that fits well with him completed his glory again. Two days after I watched this movie, he won the gold. The best actor in the ball award, although the other nominated Sean Penn is equally outstanding, but I can accept both of them. What's more, as the panic of the economic crisis is permeating today, such a frustrated and realistic character is indeed full of charisma. After all, compared to Randy, at least most people still have a healthy heart. For the temporary difficulties of life, just like Randy, struggling to stand on a high place, jumped and crushed it.


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The Wrestler quotes

  • Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples?

    Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

  • Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Give this to your son, it's an authentic Randy "the Ram" action figure. Tell him not to lose it, it's a $300 collectors item.

    Cassidy: Really?

    Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: No.