One Pound, Seven Pounds.

Garfield 2021-10-20 17:26:05

The world is contradictory, and human nature is contradictory.

The world needs contradictions to progress, and human nature needs contradictions to sublimate.

We are all mentally empty corpses, constantly looking for new strengths in our lives to prove that sense of existence. Ben did it and made a gorgeous repair to the framework of life. Anthony borrowed money from Sherlock for a pound of meat in order to help his friend get married. A pound of meat became a symbol, a measurable price and bargaining chip willing to pay for his enthusiasm, 7 people, 7 innocents With the passing of the soul, Ben stood at one end of the scale and took out 7 "bargaining chips" to balance his guilt and complete the final redemption of his soul.

You said, what are people still paying attention to in the current society. How to match the width and length of life into the best combination? "Now we are fully aware of the existence of the individual, tormented by the nihility of life, lost the soul, life is abandoned to ourselves, dominated by desire, existence is letting go. Nihilism prevails in the world, violence and ugliness are praised, subjective All are considered important, historical, objective, personal, collective, detached, suffering, secular, and sacred. So people become self-talking, only self-expression, and they all say they are lonely. No one understands, but they are indifferent to each other, looking at each other but turning a blind eye. The industrialized society has created countless industries, and science and technology are changing with each passing day. Maybe one day people will really defeat the god of death, and people can live forever, but where does our soul go? Is it the body? Do not die, and the soul dances with death forever? Carnival with death?”

And we have a choice as to the filling of the soul. Everyone wants to be a noble person, but in the corner of the soul, it shows or despicable, or Dirty, self-interested, or depraved ugly disgusting face, lost young people, eager to escape the cruelty of life by the breath of art, gradually, they forgot how to adjust the focal length between dream and reality, letting fall, indulging in The dark human nature can't extricate itself, thirsting for hope, but forgets the appearance of hope.

You said, what has the world entrusted to us? God created the world in 7 days, and Ben destroyed himself in 7 seconds. In fact, when God created the world, he discovered that there are too many irreconcilable contradictions in this world. He can no longer cover the place, so he only To be able to create another thing, this thing, is called hope. This has become the point of relief from all darkness, entanglements, and contradictions. We rushed towards it one by one without turning back. It is not just that we want to complete our salvation and sublimation. When the emptiness of value prevails in the world, we carefully listen to whether there is still a fragrance in life, and whether our soul is also filled with decadent and corrupt atmosphere.

The enlightenment power of thought is huge, but it does not show any traces. If you cut a finger, you can enlighten the Buddha. If the process of introspection can be more regular and more orderly, how many confused lambs will there be? People have been looking for a way of salvation since ancient times, but do we dare to save ourselves at the price of a pound of meat, yes, dare you? Courage or cringe, a pound is just a symbol, the symbol itself is meaningless, and the people give symbolic meaning, take away time, take away space, take away life, and the rest is the meaning of life. The meaning of life does not depend on life. It is ironic, but it makes me feel realistic.

The bitterness of life, the pain of dreams, and the sense of gap give a sense of secular integrity, and how long do we have to dance the reincarnation dance with the god of death under that dark cloud? There is no end to self-salvation. Rebirth and transformation again and again finally constitute the framework of our life.

And you, are you still daring to cut a pound of life?

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Seven Pounds quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Ben Thomas: I love you.

  • Ben Thomas: I lied to you, I think about dying every day.