Read it as a book: excerpts from Zizek

Eddie 2022-12-16 10:38:57

Movies are the ultimate perverted art. They don't give you what you want. They tell you how to

want . The most interesting thing about the cellar of the mother's house in Psycho is the special arrangement of the mother's house. The first floor, basement, is like a replica of the three levels of human subjectivity. The first floor is: "ego" Norman is a normal son there. The dead mother... is basically a superego image not the mother I go to The
cellar is: "id"... the cistern of wrong impulses so we can explain this event in the middle of the film... Norman puts his own mother... Or that we know the mummy of our mother at the end... dragged from upstairs to the cellar as if he was in his head and when his, psyche
transitioned to id of course this old dogma that Freud had elaborated on... That is, the superego and the id are deeply connected mothers who first complained as a majestic person that the superego is not a moral force it is an obscene force that bombards us with impossible boxes and laughs at us... before we can't satisfy it The more we follow the demands of it, the more guilty it makes us. This is usually reflected in an obscene... madman with superego powers. We can often find examples of psychoanalysis... in human relationships.

Voice is not an organ of the human body, it comes from somewhere in your body. Voice has a traumatic side... Human voice is not an unusually thin medium... used to express the depth of human subjectivity... but an external intrusion

to understand today's world we really need movies we only get in movies... important dimensions we're not ready to face in reality if you're looking for something more real in reality than reality itself... look at cinematic fiction

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The Pervert's Guide to Cinema quotes

  • Slavoj Zizek: The truly horrible thing is to be involved.

  • Slavoj Zizek: You set a limit, you put a certain zone of limit, and though things remain exactly the way they were, it's perceived as another place. Precisely as the place onto which you can project your beliefs, your fears, things from your inner space.