Critical ideology glasses in They Live (1988) → We live in the world of ideology, we think we escape it into our dreams, at that time, we are in our ideology.
Fighting scene in They Live (1988) (a man doesn't want to put on the glasses) < Paradox: Truth is painful. Living in a lie doesn't need to experience suffering.
→ To step out of ideology hurts. It is a painful experience, you might force yourself to do it. To explain mass movements: Freedom hurts.
The Sound of Music (1965) → Pretend to renounce and you can get it all. #The basic insights of psychoanalysis is to distinguish between enjoyment and pleasures.
Coke: A commodity is never just a simple object we buy and consume. < That's it. "Something more"
Different Dances (2000) In postmodern society, we are obliged to enjoy. Enjoyment becomes a weird duty. < Paradox of coke: You are thirsty, you drink coke. The more you drink, the more thirsty you get.
→ Desire for desire itself. The desire to continue to desire.
Kinder Surprise Egg < The surplus enables the enjoyment of the surface, which makes it a perfect commodity.
Ode To Joy by Beethoven. < An empty container open to all possible meanings
Alex in Clockwork Orange (1971) < He is in the place of exclusion. Beethoven is practicing the critique of ideology.
London Riot (2011.8): people take things without paying. < Pure consumerism leads to Violence
Taxi Driver (1976) < it brings brutal outbreak of violence to suicide damage.
1. "Nada": Nothing in Spanish.
2. "Agalma": According to Plato, this kind of thing called "Agalma" can make a person a more valuable person.
Part...To be continued...
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