The hot wind breaking into the monastery

Jazmin 2022-07-09 23:51:27

The synopsis should read: Nightclub singer Yolanda accidentally lets her boyfriend die from a heroin overdose. To avoid charges, she fled to a monastery. The nuns in the convent smoke marijuana, inject heroin, write erotic novels, and keep a baby tiger. It is such a group of nuns who are enthusiastically doing the work of saving the stray girl. The abbot is gay, she immediately falls in love with Yolanda, and at this time, her old lover also comes to the convent... Entre tinieblas means "between the dark" in Spanish, and the English translation Dark Habits is a pun: "Black Teaching Clothes" and "Black Habits". This is Almodovar's third work after "Biography of Women" and "The Labyrinth of Passion". As a 1983 film, it was absolutely shocking. Spain was not long out of Franco's dictatorship at that time, and the Catholic atmosphere was still strong. Presumably such a film that boldly described various blasphemous acts of nuns must have caused an uproar. The funniest thing is that the ill-behaved dean even gave the four nuns under him ridiculous "Christian names": Sister Mouse, Sister Shit, Sister Sin, and Sister Snake. Almodovar was born in a very traditional Catholic family. Under the influence of various factors, he had doubts and resistance to religion since he was a child. Later, in "Bad Education", the image of a priest is even more contemptible. I really like the translation of "Dark Habits", which is probably a disguised description of Franco's era. The nuns were imprisoned in convents, just as Spain was isolated from the outside world at the time. It was a sick environment, and even the tiger became tame and numb. People are accustomed to darkness, doing things just to pass the time, and accustomed to unreasonable social style. And the arrival of Yolanda, who loves Mick Jagger, means the birth of new things and the disintegration of the old order of the monastery. In a classic line, the little girl asks Yolanda, "Are you a nun too?" She replies, "No, I'm a prostitute". The little girl asked again: "Isn't that illegal?" The shortcomings of the film are obvious, the rhythm is slow, and the ending design is very unreasonable, there are at least two logical points. In any case, Almodovar at this time is indeed a fledgling, and it is inevitable that there are some shortcomings. By the late 1990s, his use of various sensitive subjects was quite skillful and ingenious.

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Dark Habits quotes

  • Superiora: You're full of surprises.

  • Superiora: The only jewels which adorn the brides of Jesus are the thorns and the cross. I have sinned! I must be punished!