Why does "Dandong" frighten me so much? [cat]

Bradford 2022-12-06 00:14:25

Fear of a movie I don't know when it started Until I feel conscious Until it bites my flesh Until its venom penetrates my veins and seeps through my body I start to tremble I don't know if it's the heart, the veins or the empty stomach... … no gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, blood, only burning venom that “tremors” I have all kinds of colors, all kinds of tiny, dense flavors in my body It’s still spewing red letters and spewing hypnotic rituals I’m sitting on pins and needles but I’m stuck in place I think Running out of the flames and wanting to endure this torment in exchange for the tranquility of sinking into the sea after burning out, but it gave me no sea, no wind, only ashes that continue to heat up I have nowhere to hide and no one to talk about how much it is to curl up silently in the darkness of one person I hope someone caress my back and give me three seconds to warm me. In 1999, the 200th anniversary of the victory of the French Revolution, the cultural edition of "Southern Weekend" discussed the French Revolution in a full page. At that time, I was very interested in everything about France. This chapter in the history book I have read the text silently many times, and I am also a little fascinated by those complicated factional relationships. The lunatic holding that newspaper in his hand was very obsessed, and it made me jealous, because the only newspapers that our resident students could buy were the ones that the hawker of the campus bookstore had, so I could only ask him to borrow them, and kept pestering him. Tired, I finally borrowed my hand to copy it and read it. Today, this photocopied material is still lying in the pile of materials in my house. The madman has already devoted himself to philosophy, and I am also struggling with art (including literature), and gradually distanced from the enthusiasm for political and historical events when I was young. In 2002, I was fascinated by Kisnovsky, and then discovered Liu Xiaofeng's "Heavy Flesh". After seeing his introduction to Bichner's play "The Death of Dandong", it was the first time that I used a specific personal , I look at this history from the perspective of my inner belief. My heart is heavy. I am confused by Danton's Epicureanism and Robespierre's asceticism and strict rule. It is possible that Na died of illness after writing the play because of a crisis of belief. I am also a little depressed, but not afraid. In 2010, I went to an event to watch the movie "Dandong". This is a film made by a Polish director in 1983. The director's position is on Dandong's side, and he also has a certain understanding of Robespierre. It is conceivable that in the historical environment at that time, the film contained many bitter and tragic meanings. , maybe it's the director's own weapon. The director must have experienced a similar terrifying atmosphere, so he was able to render this collective terror under political pressure so realistic, turning the text I read in my youth into a ferocious image, posing this terrifying hypnotic ritual. But why does this movie frighten me so much? I was so scared that I was about to stand up and run out of the house! After I got back to normal, I thought about it carefully. Horror fans should know that by turning the sound off, a horror movie's horror rating will drop a lot. For serious movies, the soundtrack and sound effects are still useful. The film's soundtrack is more classical, sometimes using a sound that doesn't change much in scale to create tension, which is often used in David Lynch's films (he also often participated in the composition), This kind of sound, combined with the slow movement of the characters (non-slow motion shots), can make people feel stressed and have a sense of substitution, and then add a rhythmic violin sound - for example, when the Public Security Committee signed the arrest warrant for Dandong and others, this The layers of sound push the atmosphere to the top and also stimulate the audience's emotional climax - it seems that the soundtrack of "The Shining" plays the same way. The voices of the characters in this film are also frightening. When each character speaks to the people or people in meetings, his voice is very excited, because the overwhelming momentum of the politicians of the Great Revolution when they speak is a way of conquering the enemy. and weapons of the people. These sounds became more and more prominent under the good acoustics, and together with the sound of the people hula-la, they created the atmosphere of the reign of terror at that time. Speaking of these people, Danton and Robespierre certainly have a lot of close-up shots. Their inner entanglement is not expressed by dialogue, but by physical details. For example, Robespierre's body is always upright, which is The ascetic strictly controls the external form of the self, and his morbid heart is also revealed from the rigid movements, the frightened eyes in front of others, and the sweating all over his body. There is a close-up of the scene, when he spoke, he stood on tiptoe, which is not only a performance of his sternness, but also a performance that he has concentrated all his energy and energy on his speech, the weapon of extreme terrorist policy. Whether it was being sentenced for arrest or preparing to go to the execution ground, the people from the Dandong faction had pale faces, and their movements were sluggish and frightened. And the members of Robespierre's Public Security Committee either emit a morbid passion in their eyes, or they make up ghostly and ghostly, which will make the audience uneasy. The people in the play are in a state of fear and tension, and the audience who are engaged in watching the play will also be afraid. When the imprisoned Jamie Demerin saw Dandong, I knew that he would fall into the arms of his idol weakly and helplessly, because I was also in the play. This scene also has a scary method. The director will suddenly give some still scenes close-ups. Donis" focuses on the foot of the stone statue in the foreground, I don't know what the director is trying to say, but the handling and the tense soundtrack are really unnerving, not to mention the shot of the old woman taking the guillotine as she scrubs the guillotine. . When a sensitive audience like me is brought into that horrific atmosphere, these static scenes terrify me. Having said so much, it is estimated that I was the only terrified audience member that night. Thinking of my interest in this history many years ago, I naturally felt naive. History is not a symbol on paper, but a concrete flesh and blood and an intense past. The two revolutionary ideas held by Danton and Robespierre in the French Revolution basically still exist to this day, so I won't say more here. The realistic historical atmosphere created by this type of film can make the audience experience a ritual, which may impress future generations: when you want to follow a certain concept and pick up a butcher's knife, please touch your neck and see the French Revolution. . Having said so much, it is estimated that I was the only terrified audience member that night. Thinking of my interest in this history many years ago, I naturally felt naive. History is not a symbol on paper, but a concrete flesh and blood and an intense past. The two revolutionary ideas held by Danton and Robespierre in the French Revolution basically still exist to this day, so I won't say more here. The realistic historical atmosphere created by this type of film can make the audience experience a ritual, which may impress future generations: when you want to follow a certain concept and pick up a butcher's knife, please touch your neck and see the French Revolution. . Having said so much, it is estimated that I was the only terrified audience member that night. Thinking of my interest in this history many years ago, I naturally felt naive. History is not a symbol on paper, but a concrete flesh and blood and an intense past. The two revolutionary ideas held by Danton and Robespierre in the French Revolution basically still exist to this day, so I won't say more here. The realistic historical atmosphere created by this type of film can make the audience experience a ritual, which may impress future generations: when you want to follow a certain concept and pick up a butcher's knife, please touch your neck and see the French Revolution. . This scene also has a scary method. The director will suddenly give some still scenes close-ups. Donis" focuses on the foot of the stone statue in the foreground, I don't know what the director is trying to say, but the handling and the tense soundtrack are really unnerving, not to mention the shot of the old woman taking the guillotine as she scrubs the guillotine. . When a sensitive audience like me is brought into that horrific atmosphere, these static scenes terrify me. Having said so much, it is estimated that I was the only terrified audience member that night. Thinking of my interest in this history many years ago, I naturally felt naive. History is not a symbol on paper, but a concrete flesh and blood and an intense past. The two revolutionary ideas held by Danton and Robespierre in the French Revolution basically still exist to this day, so I won't say more here. The realistic historical atmosphere created by this type of film can make the audience experience a ritual, which may impress future generations: when you want to follow a certain concept and pick up a butcher's knife, please touch your neck and see the French Revolution. . This scene also has a scary method. The director will suddenly give some still scenes close-ups. Donis" focuses on the foot of the stone statue in the foreground, I don't know what the director is trying to say, but the handling and the tense soundtrack are really unnerving, not to mention the shot of the old woman taking the guillotine as she scrubs the guillotine. . When a sensitive audience like me is brought into that horrific atmosphere, these static scenes terrify me. Having said so much, it is estimated that I was the only terrified audience member that night. Thinking of my interest in this history many years ago, I naturally felt naive. History is not a symbol on paper, but a concrete flesh and blood and an intense past. The two revolutionary ideas held by Danton and Robespierre in the French Revolution basically still exist to this day, so I won't say more here. The realistic historical atmosphere created by this type of film can make the audience experience a ritual, which may impress future generations: when you want to follow a certain concept and pick up a butcher's knife, please touch your neck and see the French Revolution. .

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Danton quotes

  • Danton: I was among those who established the people's justice. Do you think you can pervert it without my noticing?

  • Danton: What a parody of justice! Where are the witnesses we are entitled to?