Bold predictions about the plot direction of the fourth season

Austin 2022-10-30 22:38:54

Based on the existing story line and characters, boldly predict the direction of the next two seasons (I guess this drama also follows the same five-part route as the poisoner)
Jimmy Line
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_ The anger all pointed to HHM.
HHM lawyers dismissed Chuck for three huge indemnities, and with Chuck's death, it may be gone.
Jimmy took HMM to court with a complaint, and fought against the law firm of nearly 100 people by himself.
Jimmy finally recognizes his own ability - he is good at destroying rather than protecting. He has the ability to deceive everywhere in his youth, and he is familiar with various legal provisions. He is good at walking the edge of the law. In order to achieve his goals, he can play small tricks and become his The biggest weapon, Jimmy embarked on the road of blackening for revenge.
The result of the war - HHM was finally destroyed or semi-reconciled, but he was completely excluded from the orthodox legal profession and could no longer receive regular clients. He could only make a living by helping criminals to clear their crimes, and Jimmy was finally black. In the process of becoming lawyer Saul Goodman,
King sees through the essence of Jimmy, and the two eventually part ways due to different values.
Mike-Fried Chicken-Uncle Nacho Line
Ding Ding Ding He suffered a heart attack and lay in the hospital for rescue. Uncle Fried Chicken undoubtedly became the key suspect. To get rid of the suspicions of the big drug lord, Uncle Fried Chicken must find out the truth.
Although Nacho and Uncle Fried Chicken both want to destroy Ding Ding, they are fundamentally different - Nacho wants to kill Ding Ding once to save his family from danger.
The purpose of Uncle Fried Chicken is to kill Ding Ding's family, let him taste the same loss of love as himself, and let Ding Ding die in pain and despair.
Nacho was afraid that Ding Ding would wake up and endanger his family again, so he would attack again, but this time he was caught by Uncle Fried Chicken. In order to protect himself and the interests of the group, Uncle Fried Chicken could only confess Nacho. go out.
Uncle Mike, an insider, wandered between the two. On the one hand, he wanted to protect Nacho, but he couldn't do anything. In the end, it is estimated that Nacho will give up fleeing and choose to sacrifice himself in order to protect his family. After all, this character has never appeared in the Poison Master drama.
Farewell to Nacho, this villain, like Lao Bai, who does everything he can to protect his family, is still loved by us.
——————————————————————————————————————— The
of the first season of the show started in black and white , tells the story of Sol after the end of the Poison Master drama, and it is estimated that it will also end with the same timeline in black and white.
Conjecture—Little Pink, who was running away, met Sol, who was working part-time. The two looked at each other silently, silently turned around and left.
The end of the drama is a

good ending -
those who sell drugs, their family business withers; those who are rich, their money is gone;
those who are gracious, escape from death; those who are ruthless, have a clear retribution;
those who owe their lives, their lives have been paid; those who owe tears , the fate is over.
The retribution of grievances and grievances is not trivial, and separation and aggregation are all pre-determined.

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Mabel quotes

  • Kim Wexler: Are you mad?

    Jimmy McGill: I'm not mad-I'm just thinking about things. For 10 minutes today Chuck didn't hate me. I forgot what that felt like.