Thank you for your fulfillment

Winston 2022-10-25 02:21:59

The lives of an old woman and a young woman have intersected under the wonderful arrangement of fate, and in the process of difficult and rugged communication, they have achieved their respective accomplishments.

She (Sadie) is an elderly woman who lives alone, has a stubborn personality, has no friends, and lives a boring and repetitive life. The habitual three meals, shopping, entertainment activities are just to play the simple gambling game bingo every Saturday.

She (Jane) is a struggling young woman with star dreams and a drug-addicted mother. She lives in an apartment with her friend and her friend's boyfriend. She wants to remodel the bedroom but doesn't have the money to buy new furniture, so she can only go shopping for used goods. In the old thermos that Sadie sold, she found 10,000 yuan. She was disturbed and excited. She hid the money secretly from her friends and had her nails done. ), bought beautiful accessories for the dog. She asked her friends side-by-side what to do if this happened. The opinion of my friends is that it is very important to confirm whether the money is very important to the owner. She went to get close to Sadie deliberately, deliberately dismissed the cab waiting for Sadie, and then invited Sadie to "hitchhide", and she ran to the place where she played bingo on Saturday to play the boring game only the elderly are fond of. As a result, Sadie regarded him as a liar and was ravaged by anti-wolf spray. After learning from the police that she was just "out of good intentions", Sadie gradually opened her heart and accepted her ride to the supermarket. Through the conversation, it was learned that Sadie's gambler husband had passed away and had no children. The money in the thermos should have been hidden by the gambler's husband before, but the old woman did not know it. Through a period of contact, the two gradually developed trust and subtle feelings. Jane learned more about Sadie's past, she even took Sadie to the cemetery to pay her respects to her deceased husband, and to the zoo where Sadie met her husband for the first time. Sadie is still stubborn and sensitive. From her revocation of her driver's license and the description of other elderly people driving into accidents, it can be seen that she has no hope for the rest of her life, and has long since admitted defeat. After Jane was chased away by supermarket security for parking problems, Sadie didn't wait for Jane when she returned from shopping, thinking that Jane had left her and wanted to walk home. At that time, her heart must have been full of sadness, thinking that her life was once again withered, just like her wrinkled face, the sense of existence that had just been established was eliminated. Jane drove after her and said, "Do you really think I would leave you?" Maybe she felt the change in Sadie's heart. Jane held Sadie's skinny hand. Sadie's heart must be very warm.

Jane's co-rental friend had a quarrel with the boss over salary issues, and asked Jane to help with the theory. Through this opportunity, Jane's friend met Sadie, who was in the same car. The work of Jane and her friend was also exposed. It turned out that Jane and her co-rental friend were both female protagonists of adult films, and there was an explicit filming process at the moment. Although it can be explained clearly without revealing, the direct visual stimulation should make the audience even more shocking. This job not only explains why Jane has so much free time, but also forms a strong psychological gap. After all, this is a sensitive How hard it is for two people in completely different worlds to trust each other at work! There was a little foreshadowing before. When Jane and Sadie were eating ice cream together, two men recognized her through the transparent glass wall, and she also made a fragrant licking and sucking action to tease the two men. For their studio, Jane explained to Sadie, "You can understand it as a temporary agency."

Jane had no time to take care of the dog because of her work (participating in an adult exhibition), so she entrusted the dog to Sadie. The disobedient dog was lost, and Sadie was about to go crazy. She couldn't live up to Jane's trust. She asked around and finally found the dog before Jane came back. But her heart and body were exhausted, she couldn't bear it all, she would rather return to the dull life before, back to a life of helplessness and admit defeat to old age, she couldn't bear anything to lose. She scolded Jane for leaving, and Jane was at a loss but could do nothing. Thinking that Sadie had told her that she had a unique feeling for Paris but had never been there, Jane used most of the "ill-gotten wealth" to book a plane ticket to Paris, rushed to the place where Sadie played bingo, and strongly invited . Sadie refused, as in her past experience of bingo games, she has been losing, she admits defeat, like treating life. But Jane didn't give up. She wanted to make a bet with Sadie. If she could win this bingo, Sadie would go to Paris with her. Jane buys all the tables and, in theory, can bingo as long as she's fast enough. Unexpectedly, the first bingo was Sadie. Sadie shouted happily, as if this victory dispelled the haze and failure of her past life. Although Jane did not win the bet, Sadie agreed to the invitation to go to Paris. This should be Jane's sincerity and enthusiasm, which inspired her.

The plot takes another turn when Jane's friend discovers the windfall and she thinks Jane should share it with her, the best friend. But Jane is going to Paris with the old bitch she calls her. She is angry and finds Sadie and tells her that Jane is good to you because she has your money in a way you don't know and feels guilty about you . Sadie's expression was not strong, she just took out the clothes that Jane and Jane had originally chosen to wear in Paris and threw them in the closet, but the emotional changes in her heart must have been very violent. Just as she didn't wait for Jane at the supermarket door last time, she felt abandoned again, this time more completely and painfully. Seeing this, I'm just guessing what the screenwriter will do. Will Sadie disappear? Blame Jane? He chose to understand and forgive.

Jane, who came to pick up Sadie to the airport, also found her unusual. Although Jane didn't know what happened, she asked Sadie several times if she was ok. Sadie just asked Jane to go to the cemetery to send flowers to her deceased husband. This time, Sadie didn't go in person, but asked Jane to go there on the pretext that you were faster. Here, Jane discovers on the tombstone that Sadie once had a daughter who died, and the film ends here.

The rhythm of the whole film is gentle, but several emotional twists and turns can move people's hearts. How two people in different worlds take off their hard protective shells and gradually enter each other's hearts, understand each other, and warm each other. Jane, who lacks maternal love, lives in poverty but is full of dreams. She is kind, loves her job, and dreams of becoming a star one day. She finds the feeling of family from Sadie and rediscovers her identity as a daughter. Sadie, who was waiting for death in a monotonous and boring life, re-established a sense of connection and existence with other people here in Jane, aroused the enthusiasm and hope of life, ignited a long-extinguished dream, and was also like a mother. Maybe they all want to say to each other, thank you for your success.

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Starlet quotes

  • Asa Akira: What's worse than getting banged by Jack the Ripper? Getting fingered by Captain Hook.

  • Sadie: [Sipping what looks like a lovely frappé outside Java Central coffee shop] I really prefer my own brand.

    Jane: That dry s**t you shove into hot water?