fluke love

Cassandra 2022-12-23 18:22:03

A middle-class man with a good family and career, lives carefree in the bustling city of Paris. Slowly getting tired of the boring time in the afternoon, spending it by shopping and admiring the passing beauties. Passing by one by one means nothing to him. They were all beautiful, part of their wife's beauty and even enriched her beauty. With this kind of luck, he had a daydream that he had a pendant that could emit sensual fluids, and he could successfully strike up a conversation with beautiful women, and a failure woke him up. Suddenly, he reunited with his friend's ex-girlfriend one day, and he had the same attitude towards this woman as other passers-by, but he said that he was upset when he saw her with his friend before. There was nothing on the surface, but as he met more and more, he became more and more enthusiastic and fell into a habit of being indispensable without her. This woman knows how to play hard to escape, and the male protagonist seems to be caught in an extramarital affair and cannot extricate himself. His heart was derailed, and his body was bad, but in the end, when he was about to take this step, he actually put away the gun. Because he thought of his newborn child in one action, he made a phone call and went home to talk to his wife. He expressed his feelings, his wife cried, and it seemed that she really cheated, so they reconciled again.

Rohmer's six moral stories are the last, and the scale is also the largest: derailment + transparency, three leaks, full nudity, and small pp. In the end, the male protagonist kept the bottom line of morality. He and Xiao San also discussed the issue of polygamy and polyandry. A man will fall in love with more than one woman at the same time. If it is because of passion, it may not be predictable, and it may not be love. If it is because of physical pleasure and concern, there can be many. The petty bourgeois male protagonist recalled his responsibility, even if he had no passion for his wife, he must be responsible for his children. This responsibility is a spontaneous moral act. The fragmented editing of the whole film tells the story so well, and the characters' psychology is so full. The final spiral down the stairs is also a clear indication of his way back.

Walking outside the track with a lucky heart, it was morality that pulled him back.

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Love in the Afternoon quotes

  • Frédéric: I think some element of mystery is essential for people who live together.

  • Chloé: You make me laugh. You really do. Why this insistence on proving you love your wife? If you don't love her, or less than at first, it's not a catastrophe. It's normal. It's normal not to want to always be tied to the same person. Marriage makes less and less sense these days.

    Frédéric: I don't love her because she's my wife. I love her because of who she is. I'd love her even if we weren't married.

    Chloé: No. You love her - if you really do - because you're supposed to. I couldn't stand being loved like that. But then I'm an exception. I won't accept compromises.