afternoon love

Merle 2022-12-04 03:02:14

Just like he went to the store to buy a turtleneck sweater, the beautiful clerk recommended him a green plaid shirt, he resisted, then gave in and said he could try it but would never buy it, then put on the shirt and attracted the clerk's Complimented and finally happily bought the plaid shirt outside of the regular plan, and came home claiming to love the dress.
His feelings for Chloe were the same. But it's hard to fill your wardrobe with plaid shirts just because you're tired of the colorful pullovers you're used to wearing.
The confession in which his wife burst into tears at the end was not his own answer.
I've always felt that Rohmer's films are not meant to tell me anything, but to make me see our lives as a moviegoer, full of subtly difficult problems and inadvertent pleasures. No one is alone, you play innocuous flirting with the beautiful secretary or coworker around you, you apply unknowable possibilities to women of all colors on different occasions, you skip lunch and then have a brief at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. There are people doing these things with you, many people, just like the old friend he hadn't seen for a long time said: You think you are special, but there are thousands of people just like you.
Men have a lucid daydream that all the beautiful women who pass by the cafe can be seduced by themselves. In the end, the girl soberly rejected him because of her absolute love for her lover. This subconsciously hints at his strong belief in love. This also allows the story to have such an ending.
The extraneous extended by the film: A sense of security can sometimes be a safeguard against cheating. A man will make up the illusion of ambiguousness to any woman around him when he has a lover, and when he is single, his own situation will limit his delusions.

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Love in the Afternoon quotes

  • Frédéric: I think some element of mystery is essential for people who live together.

  • Chloé: You make me laugh. You really do. Why this insistence on proving you love your wife? If you don't love her, or less than at first, it's not a catastrophe. It's normal. It's normal not to want to always be tied to the same person. Marriage makes less and less sense these days.

    Frédéric: I don't love her because she's my wife. I love her because of who she is. I'd love her even if we weren't married.

    Chloé: No. You love her - if you really do - because you're supposed to. I couldn't stand being loved like that. But then I'm an exception. I won't accept compromises.