Seasoning and fantasy after dinner

Rahul 2022-09-15 16:39:48

The man said he liked the city. Tired of jumping into the crowd, loving the crowd is like loving the sea.
He felt like a lone pirate, content to be carried away by the tide.
When the tide separates or is expelled, try to swim forward again. All ideas come from the street.

The man observed various women on the train and on the street, imagining what would have happened to them if he hadn't been married. And because they are already married, they can no longer have any purpose for them, and they can't do anything about them. He regards the beauty of all women as a continuation of his wife's beauty. Although he does not know why he chose her among the many women he loves, his affirmation of her is unquestionable.

This man likes to be surrounded by beautiful people, but his wife is assured that he will not be swayed by carnal desires. The charming secretary in the office, the nanny who likes to walk around naked at home is not the problem. The frequent contact with Chloe, perhaps originally out of good intentions, later became the spice of life. I wonder if it's because such a woman doesn't need to take any responsibility, but let him linger. At the end, when Chloe said, I'm in love with you. He said, I hope it's not true, if you love me I'll turn around and run away. Even if she said she didn't need him to leave his wife. really! He really ran away.

The man said that he didn't really like the afternoon, but he always had dates with his romantic partner in his spare time in the afternoon. Finally, when he suddenly appeared beside his lonely wife, the wife's tears of joy led him to say something quite normal. He said he was sitting next to her and could still feel the crisis. Is this the crisis of love and possession at the same time? Compared to saying that they are stupid, in front of the people closest to them, it is much easier to be stupid than to pretend to be smart.

She is a woman who doesn't want to be controlled or explore, and he is a man who likes to think wildly in the crowd. He said he kept talking to people he didn't know, that meant nothing to him, acquaintances he stumbled into without talking and caring about his wife's thoughts.

If he slept with Chloe, it probably wouldn't be the case when she had a baby. It's like when he went into the store and didn't buy a shirt, but after being persuaded to try it on, he thought it was good, so he bought it.

This man is a utopian. But his utopianism saved his beautiful existence in reality. I think he remembered the moment he grimaced his son when he finally took off his jumper, just in time to stop what he was about to change in his life. Then go back to the origin with a thousand turns around the spiral staircase.

Life is like detours. There is never a straight path. There is no eternal tranquility, there are little waves. Just like cooking a dish with you, there is always a main ingredient and a main taste. Occasionally adding different ingredients may improve the freshness or spoil the taste, it depends on the cook's discretion. Don't affect the real taste.

Afternoon love, is it because this is an ambiguous love that happened in the afternoon, or because of the unexpected seasoning after the dinner. I like this movie very much, and finally I know who is the back of the smooth woman on the cover of the book "Eric Rohmer: Love, Contingency and Expression" that I bought a long time ago. Ha ha.

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Love in the Afternoon quotes

  • Frédéric: I think some element of mystery is essential for people who live together.

  • Chloé: You make me laugh. You really do. Why this insistence on proving you love your wife? If you don't love her, or less than at first, it's not a catastrophe. It's normal. It's normal not to want to always be tied to the same person. Marriage makes less and less sense these days.

    Frédéric: I don't love her because she's my wife. I love her because of who she is. I'd love her even if we weren't married.

    Chloé: No. You love her - if you really do - because you're supposed to. I couldn't stand being loved like that. But then I'm an exception. I won't accept compromises.