When I saw the last episode, the corners of my eyes actually glide through~

Maximo 2022-12-27 05:14:35

Finished watching all 8 episodes.

It is mainly about how each person faces their own family problems in order to be able to go to Mars.

There is a middle-aged man who lost his wife, his daughter was drug addict and rebellious, and his career was frustrated; there was a second-in-command who lost his leadership position, and his favorite team members couldn't go to Mars; Female; there are also embarrassing people whose mother has Alzheimer’s disease and whose spouse is unwilling to support them.

The various encounters of these people, it feels like it happened around you and me, and there is no surprise. But they will all be the first people on Earth to go to Mars, and a strange sense of dissonance will slowly emerge.

And looking at the name, expecting to see the children's shoes that make air, grow vegetables and explore on Mars may be disappointed. None of this content.

But if you are willing to calm down and slowly appreciate these various states of life, then this drama can also be watched.

Although some episodes are a little difficult, when I saw the last episode, the corners of my eyes actually glide.

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