Streams and mountains, the humanitarian poem "The Cuckoo on the Battlefield"

Alysha 2022-09-16 17:55:04

Except for the gunshots, the world is so quiet.
For soldiers, we don't know what the next moment of gunfire means to us, between the sight and God, it is a miracle.
In 1944, the Second World War was coming to an end. Finland and the Soviet Union had signed a contract and withdrew from the war. The tired soldiers were tired of fighting. On the northern border of Russia, three people of different nationalities came together because of chance.
Young Finnish soldier Vijko was chained to a boulder to act as a sniper for a breach of discipline, and he was forced to change into a German uniform. The desire to survive made him do everything in his power to break free from the chains. This is a battle of will. After repeated attempts, after repeated failures, he was tenacious and hardworking. The
Soviet lieutenant Ivan was escorted to trial because he was framed, but he was bombed on the way, and the
lieutenant was so frightened that he immediately fell to the ground . , Ivan said to him: It's our own fighter...
The comparison between the two is full of the afterthought of the times. Under the premise of human nature, sublimation and myth have long been co-existing. There is only instinctive human nature, and there is no more Xia Boyang-style hero. Under this premise, the image of the commander of the Red Army is always trivial. This kind of director's subjective intention is especially beneficial in the films of the former communist countries. The ideological "Mexi" is a piece chosen by the directors of a former communist country after the 1990s under the discourse of pan-human nature. "Knock on the door" (a family's words, corrections are welcome.)
Of course, we must be soberly aware that the lack of heroes and the abuse of panhumanism will make the next generation of children fall into a metaphysical void for the concepts of Nazis and Axis powers. No matter what era, every country (and Hollywood as well) needs "tall" heroes. This is the way to unite the national spirit. History is always real, with heroic odes and civilian experiences. They make up the epic of the country, and they are the symbols of the necessary national spirit.
Back to the film, the driver and the lieutenant who escorted Ivan were killed by the accidental bombing of his own family. Persistently trying...
However, on the border, there is also a Scandinavian minority, Anna, a young Saami woman, who lives alone and lonely on the edge of a desolate forest. There is no change in her daily life, she longs for the voice of the human being, and longs for the opposite of others.
On the side of the road, she found the dying Soviet second lieutenant Ivan and two corpses. The woman's eyes were full of the ferocity of war. The broken leg complained of the ferocity of war. At this moment, she still buried the corpses calmly. , Anna of the Saami is strong, it is the war that makes the originally soft women strong, and they also use their own existence to take on the other half of the war.
On the battlefield of decay, in the song without words, is the consciousness of the soul.
The kind Anna dragged Ivan home, and after unremitting efforts, Viiko finally broke free of the fetters. Three people, three people who spoke different languages ​​met at dawn.
At dawn, at Anna's residence, Viiko asked her to open the chains. The language barrier made Viiko very anxious, and he excitedly appealed to Anna.
Anna quietly said to him: Yelling can't break the chain...
Viiko saw Ivan in the shack, and outside the battlefield, two men of different affiliations met. Anna watched their conversation calmly, and promised Viiko to help him lift the anklet. Anna tells Viiko about her inner longings and desires as a single woman for four years, however, language keeps them from understanding each other.
Ivan wanted to conquer Viiko, but failed, Viiko sent him a message of peace. He tried hard to make Ivan understand peace. He cited Leo Tolstoy's "War in Peace" and Dostoyevsky and Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms". Despite everything he told, Ivan looked at Viiko, he didn't understand at all.
Under the picturesque scenery, the three people have different ideas. But everyone has a dream of peace in their hearts. War is terrifying, and the horror of war is that its perpetrators are always innocent civilians, who have been left homeless, displaced and destroyed. They have been neglected by history like a must, and when politicians sit back at the round table a few years later, the red wine in their glasses must be brewed with the blood of those who died.
Time made Anna fall in love with Viiko, her eyes were full of longing, and when they communicated in an unknown state, Viiko said to her: now she is a hunchback woman, I also seem to be a princess, the eyes of a
when we put us down The spiritual attribution of two people is two people, just like the "Forty-first" of the former Soviet Union, we must return to the human itself in nature, naturally!
The smart Viiko built a simple sauna room. Two hostile men had a friendly conversation in the sauna room for the first time. Unfortunately, they couldn't understand what the other party was talking about. This kind of estrangement was very interesting because only Communication is the passage between people, so language is a golden bridge, a bridge that can reach the other side of reconciliation.
The grass that Anna used to wipe her body, she looked at the two sturdy men, and the red light of the fire made Anna's face red, which also reflected that Anna's mood was full of longing.
It was another dawn when the dawn appeared, and Anna, who had been in the rain for a long time, happily "singed happily". At this moment, people gave themselves to the natural ones. The tranquil lakeside, the beautiful lakes and mountains, what is more wonderful than the love between the two? !
And Ivan was full of jealousy about this, and he broke into the place where Viiko slept with an axe. But Viiko's words stopped him.
After the dispute, the two sat by the lake, and Viiko talked about his disgust for war and his yearning for a poetic life.
The lake flows slowly, and life is always experienced and happening slowly...
Viiko and Ivan found a crashed plane, and Ivan found the pilot's gun and hid it behind him. And Vijko was saddened by the death of the female pilot: It's heartbreaking that women shouldn't be fighting.
However, different backgrounds prevent them from trusting each other forever, and language barriers prevent them from understanding each other's feelings. Tragedy is coming, and no one can escape!
The flyer on the plane made Vijko understand that the truce between Finland and the Soviet Union was over. He told Ivan that there should be peace, and he took the initiative to smash the sniper rifle, but Ivan misunderstood, he thought Vijko wanted to kill him, so he preemptively attacked Vijko. Iko took a shot. Viiko fell, and when Ivan found out the truth, he regretted it, and he carried Viiko back to Anna's place.
The mysterious conjuration (the ritual of the shaman) begins, Anna tries to revive Vijko's soul:
in the surreal sight Vijko's soul hears Anna's drumbeat, red anger and blue death in Confronting, fighting. Between life and death, it is the soul's nostalgia for something in the world, which is the only force that can break the dead end.
Come back, please listen to the call of the human voice, go back to this shore and say goodbye to the god of death, and let the gate of hell be far behind you; come back, please stay in the world where you still have attachments, return your soul to the body, and let the warmth of the world fill you already. cooling atrium.
Viiko is alive, and Ivan is "alive" (recovery of the soul), an ordinary and kind woman has changed them, and will also affect their descendants: a pair of twins, the children are the memorial of the love of the three of them and crystallization. Both Viiko and Ivan are fathers to their children.
The film directed by A. Rogoshkin is based on humanitarianism. He implicitly describes the alienation of the individual by war, and praises the ordinary women in the war. He tells people the importance and hope of reconciliation.
Two men gone, back to their homeland and home, they were no longer part of the war machine, they knew the future because of one woman.
Once, there was a story: about the Tower of Babel, God was afraid of the unity of mankind and deliberately kept mankind apart from each other.
Remember, the hero Gu Long said: The horizon is far away, the horizon is far away, but the human heart is even further away.
So , we are forever separated? No, please believe me:
sincere voices move God; kindness never makes mistakes. For individuals, as long as we have kindness in our hearts, we may be able to change the future of ourselves and others. Human beings, every time the edge of collapse, will It is the power of humanitarianism that dissolves the hatred, stretch out your hand and tell everyone: you came into the world without arms.
Perhaps, you are hurt by ignorance, but please believe me, more often you have a friend because of this.
May kindness be with everyone!

Fri Jul 25, 2003 15:10
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