He invented a job of blowing bubbles in the park

Chris 2022-09-19 16:53:10

Fat house, who didn't drink grapefruit-flavored soda, decided to order some marijuana.

"I feel like, I'm in a movie," he said to the delivery man on his first try. "Yeah, that's the best part. Sometimes you put on your headphones and you're walking around the city and you're It will feel like this." Before leaving, the man turned his head and added: "The weather is nice outside, maybe you can use today as your movie moment."

It's a man's job to ride a bike, drive through Brooklyn, and deliver. The life of a city, the stories of many people, are unremarkable, but they all have their own rare movie moments.

The girl who walks the dog easily falls in love with the boy in the park. It's just because he invented a job, the job content is to blow bubbles in the park to make others happy.

That's pretty much the whole plot of "Unserved". Everyone in the show is actually a bubble blower, mostly to make themselves happy. Each episode is almost a moment of life for two people, flowing slowly and unable to fly even if the leaves are smoked.

I saw this drama in the similar recommendation of "Hundred Years Tavern", "Lucky Louie", "Atlanta", "Louis Is Not Easy" and "Better Things". After watching the first season, I especially understand this recommendation algorithm. I personally recommend some of my favorite dramas.

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