cherish each other till the end

Austin 2022-09-20 11:50:00

I bought the disc because I liked the title of the film, and when we cherished each other to the end, the cover felt quiet.

The film is touching, delicate and tender. Death and separation, these cold things are hidden in the film, and people can see that even at this time, people have not lost the ability to love and live.

Griffin didn't tell his children about his terminal illness because there was no point in grief. He went to audit a course in the psychology of death and met phoenix. He approached her somewhat selfishly and entered her life, but it happened that she was also facing death.

So the two were even more determined to be together. The fearlessness of death is a romance in itself, not to mention being supported by the company of another person.

Make the story less icy and funny, like, griffin:phoenix, i like you, it doesn't means i don't love you, i love you and you know that, but i also like you…i like you a lot. phoenix: i deeply in like with you, too.

The most touching thing is that the two people at the end of their lives know what is important, and they both try their best to fulfill each other. He plays King Kong for her because she thinks King Kong is the best boyfriend and they are all so old and still doing these cute silly things. Later, she asked him to leave her who was in critical condition. In fact, she remembered that he once said that if he left first, he would just disappear and she should not come to him. But she really, really wanted him to stay. Luckily he didn't listen to her.

He finally hugged her on the hospital bed and said, i love you, for better or vows, I burst into tears...I already thought he was going to marry her, so let's just guess it's the end It's also acceptable, he slipped out of the hospital with her... It turned out that he gave her a Christmas, her favorite... I just cried with her, it's really touching to love someone who knows how to love at the end of my life.

There is no lack of pessimism. For example, a long life may make love impossible. I don’t want to say anything else. Everyone can only try their best to love and live. The power of despair seems to be greater. And the enjoyment before death is nothing but an explosion of human goodness, and the ordinary life of ordinary people is not very bearable (and not very happy).

I also saw a passage today, the original text is as follows:

American psychologist Seligment believes that there are three kinds of happiness in life, one is a happy life, the other is a life based on flow participation, and the third is a meaningful life , the third role is far greater than the first two, meaning is to know your own greatest strengths, use them, and find a sense of belonging in a cause bigger than yourself.

Whether it is really the third happiest I don't know, but I think ordinary people who are dying, like Griffin and Phoenix, don't have much time to create the third happiest. If man is only satisfied with the first kind, what will happen to the second kind of happiness? However, I don't think it's human nature to be so utilitarian just to pursue happiness.

Only god can judge a person. Griffin and Phoenix have done their best, and that's why it's touching.

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Extended Reading

Griffin & Phoenix quotes

  • Griffin: [after letting his son drive his car for the first time] Well son, I'll tell you this for free. You're one super driver.

  • Beach Stud: [giving instructions to Griffin on what to do in case something goes wrong with his harness] All right if you get into any trouble, for real, you're gonna pull this okay? That's gonna release you. Hold on, flow down to the water. You afraid of sharks? I'm just kidding man!, no seriously, the sound when you hit the water it's gonna scare any sharks away. Oh, right when you hit the water, if you're conscious, what you wanna do is get out of the harness as quick as possible because the weight from that is gonna pull you under. We'll eventually find you but it's a bummer.