comedy critique

Adolphus 2022-07-14 17:50:49

There are many friends who are fans, especially many female fans who mention their favorite stars. As Beijingers, it is their favorite to go to the Workers' Sports Center to cheer Guoan every season. Under the rendering of such a group of fans and friends, I also gradually began to understand football, although there are many jokes, but it is also a little bit of knowledge.

Regarding offside, all I know is that it's a football term that seems to mean that the striker runs in front of the opposing defender when he shoots. But when I watched the movie, I couldn't help applauding this wonderful translation.

After searching for some information on the Internet, I found out that in Iran, women are not allowed to watch sports games such as football and volleyball, on the grounds that the players' clothing on the field is unsightly. Although I don't understand if Iran is too hot to cause players to dress more exposed than normal? But it's impossible for everyone to play naked because it's too hot, right?

As we all know, women in Islamic countries look down on the status of women. In these countries, women are far below men’s social status. I remember reading an interview with an American reporter saying that in a war-torn Islamic country, she I am very surprised to find that women actually walk in front of men. This is the gentleman's demeanor of lady first only found in Western countries. Has Islamic countries also become popular now? When she ran over to interview, she heard such an answer, because women need to walk in front of men to clear mines. It can be seen that the status of women has been low to the dust.

This film starts with six rebellious girls. In order to watch Iran enter the World Cup, they tried every means to think of cheering on the spot. However, unlike the general blockbuster routine, the film does not focus on describing how they broke through the blockade. Finally got the wish. Instead, it didn't take long for everyone to be wiped out and arrested. The film focuses on the story of how several girls and the soldiers guarding them battle wits and bravery.

Strictly speaking, there is no villain in this movie, even as a soldier, it is actually a very cute appearance. They did not take any drastic measures against these girls. On the contrary, they have been safeguarding their rights, such as helping the little girl to clear the room when she asked to go to the bathroom (because there is no women's toilet), and responding to the girls at the end. The act of asking to adjust the car radio antenna actually shows their kindness. I like the ending of the movie. In a national carnival, everyone joined the wave of joy, and the girls disappeared.

This film is banned in Iran, presumably due to the awakening of feminist awareness. The offside of the title not only reflects that this is a football match, but also the "offside" of women in Islamic countries, and the latter's offside Whether the behavior is a foul or not, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

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