Episode 9 & 10: Memories of the Weak

Otis 2022-10-01 22:28:34

The title of Episode 9 is "The Tremor at the Top of the Elevator", which can be understood as Louie's "It's Cold in the Heights".

In these words, we see that Louis is in several high places, physical high places, suggesting his situation, some of which are high social class, and the peak of his life that he is about to embark on.

The physical height has a less obvious place and a more obvious place. What's not obvious is that Louie has his own separate dormitory at the top, right at the beginning of the episode, reflecting the character's social situation, being upper class and isolated at the same time.

Another obvious physical height is the upper floor of the elevator in Memories Killing. Louie's way of expressing this memory killing is very amazing - the illustration style simulates the feeling of a piece of paper, and the style of distorting reality expresses the unbearable recall of this memory in Louie's heart. Why do you say that distortion is to express unbearableness? Because the effect of distortion is to reduce the sense of reality, after reducing the sense of reality, it will not be scary, and pretend not to be scary through the distorted style of painting to imply recall the actual horror.

Speaking of this memory killing, there are actually quite a lot of details that can be said. For example, why did Louis stick his feet out of the cage? Probably because he hoped to trip over the passing jailer to save his companions, this detail reflects Louis' sense of justice, his unyielding. At that time, the passerby he wanted to save was a rabbit, and Chun, who was about to be eaten by the boss of the lion group, happened to be a rabbit, and Louis just didn't have the strength to save them. The content of the words corresponds, it's amazing, isn't it? Also, Louis mentioned that he couldn't read or speak at the time, so that means he was here soon after he was born? Does it mean that there are animals selling their babies like hens sell eggs? Also said there are specially bred carnivorous children?

In addition to these, I am still thinking about a question, recalling the elevator in Killing, which connects 3 places, including the dungeon on the ground floor, the carnivore room on the middle floor, and the sun-drenched rooftop on the top floor. Are these places that took Louis in the same place, or did the creators combine different places into one elevator? Could the elevator itself be seen as a reflection of social class? The people at the bottom are eaten, and the people at the middle and high levels eat others. At the top, you can see the whole picture of the world, see the sun, and change the world? Of course it's just guesswork.

Louis' physical heights are here, he also has a relatively high social status and he will face a height in his life. We can see that he has a chaebol father who has expectations for him. He is a popular star, and will become a BEASTARS. He is highly expected by herbivores and hated by carnivores. In this episode Louie is asked to choose between his confidante and the position of BEASTARS he will get when he is asked to choose between his confidante and the position of BEASTARS. Louis is both angry and powerless to maintain the false peace of society with the illusion of not being dangerous. Now he is at a turning point in the political arena. He not only represents the rights of individuals, but also the rights of a group, and he cannot act arbitrarily. Compared with him, Legacy has an advantage. He is a low-level person, he is a carnivore, he is more comfortable than Louis, he can protect himself better than Louis, and he has a stronger ability to solve this problem than Louis at the top. , If you look at it this way, the so-called advantages and disadvantages actually vary from scene to scene. The superior person has the trembling of the superior person, and the inferior person has the freedom of the inferior person.

Speaking of high-ranking people, the high-ranking people who appear in Chapter 9 are Father Louie, the mayor of Lions, and the boss of the Lions group. Father Louie has no specific intelligence information, so it’s hard to comment. I guess Father Lu will be relatively upright, Lion The mayor doesn't look like an absolute bad guy, he's more like a civil servant who handles problems routinely with a little indifference. It's better not to do it. The boss of the lion group is talking about a gentleman while doing perverted things. Using some good concepts to serve bad desires creates a sense of schizophrenia and distortion. The superiors all changed their appearances because they trembled on the upper floor of the elevator. I hope Louis will not.

Coming to the 10th episode, the 10th episode is very good whether it is the actual action scene or the psychological picture. It is really wonderful to transform Chun into writing a suicide note when he is facing the danger of his life, because I am also facing pressure. I will feel the experience of writing in my head, so I feel that the figurative psychological description is extremely simulated. The advantages of figurative simulation of psychology have always been this way.

Through the paragraphs of the suicide note written in the mind, we browsed Chun's life so far, and peeped at her mentality. Her influence in society believed that she would be taken seriously by others no matter what. In order to achieve equality with others, she used Sex, but when I used this as a weapon to fight back against the world, I gradually felt lost and tired.

When I saw what happened to Rabbit Chun in the early years, I was reminded of the situation of women, who always seemed to be weak. Chun's passage of using sex as a bargaining chip to seek equality is reminiscent of the topic of "sexual liberation" involved in the Western women's liberation movement. I don't know if it's an illusion, but it's a bit of a taste of feminism. The respect that Chun thinks is that the other party takes 12% of his strength to treat him. This is very similar to the respect that Louis thinks. They were also attacked at the same time in Chapter 9. The herbivores in this world are somewhat similar.

Chun's encounters in episodes 9 and 10 are full of sexual connotations - stripping naked, bathing and changing clothes, being grabbed by a lion on the thigh and being pinned under the lion's body, no matter how you look at it, it still looks like driving a car. Sexual desire and appetite (or hunting desire) are sometimes linked together, and being eaten is always reminiscent of being sexually assaulted. Legosi said, "Spring is my prey", and the panda regarded it as Legosi's confession. From this, it can be thought that hunting desire can also be related to love, and a simple formula is derived:

To a certain extent, sex = love = desire to hunt.

Love is human expression, sex and hunting are animal. Perhaps human nature and animal nature are not two concepts that are broken from each other, but the two outermost points of a spectrum. Although they are far apart, they do belong to the spectrum built into man.


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