For your love, I want to take it madly

Jakob 2022-11-28 21:10:21

What would be the result of an uncouthable person who created something that would bring everyone to their knees?

Because this concept is so emotional, Netflix made it into a 6-episode film after 12 years.

The theme is the same, but the background is modern.

The scale is larger and the three views are more fascinating. It is not recommended to watch it in public places such as offices, or in the presence of parents.

Because the pictures in the play are like this and that. (Mosaic is too troublesome, so I won't show you a screenshot)


Parfum Season 1

A red-haired female singer died in her own swimming pool in a strange way.

Not only was the hair shaved, the underarm glands and genitals were removed, and even the excrement was taken away by the murderer. (Really heavy mouth!)

If you have seen the movie version of "Perfume", then congratulations you are smarter than the police in the play, this is the so-called "taking incense".

The female detective, who is a sex crime expert, came to investigate, and routinely started with the female singer's interpersonal relationship.

Unexpectedly, her private life is quite corrupt.

The semen of more than 50 men was detected on the mattress in the bedroom alone.

Because female singers are dissolute by nature and are keen on sleeping powder.

After each concert, she would pick a man to go home for the night.

And the amazing thing is that no man can resist her charm.

This kind of charm was later confirmed by the female detective with the "bra experiment".

She blindfolded her male colleagues and asked them to sniff four different bras to choose who she most wanted to date.

As expected, almost all of them chose female singers.

This shows that the so-called physical attraction is mostly caused by smell.

If the scent of female singers can be extracted and made into perfume, it would be a good aphrodisiac!

Apparently someone did.

Among the various intricate relationships among female singers, there are five people who are most suspected.

They used to be classmates and formed an "incense-making team" together.

And they are indeed questionable:

cheating man

Although his wife has a beautiful waist and a thin waist, he has always been infatuated with female singers and is one of her many lovers.

As the first person to discover the body, he cried the most.

But love is so deep and hateful, who knows if he will hate it because of love?

cold woman

The cheating man's wife married him because he was raped by the cheating man. (What logic is this!)

Not only that, she acquiesced to her husband's derailment and endured his domestic violence, a typical patient with Stockholm syndrome.


She was friends with a female singer when she was in school, and she opened a brothel when she grew up.

Because she was sexually assaulted by her own mother when she was a child, she was grumpy, eccentric, hated and objectified women.


When I was a child, I was ridiculed because of bad teeth. When I grew up, I was depressed because of impotence, and often needed the guidance of a psychiatrist.

This kind of person is very likely to become a sex crime murderer.


Fragrance experts who are extremely sensitive to smells.

He seems to be indifferent to things other than making incense, but often seemingly innocent people are more noteworthy.

Looking around, everyone looks like a murderer.

The female detective had no choice but to spy on them.

However, there is no clue as to who the murderer is here, and the murder over there happens again.

First, a prostitute who worked for pimps died.

Then, the sister of the psychiatrist who treated Toothless was also killed.

The two died in exactly the same way as the female singer.

Three people and three flavors have become the top, middle and bottom notes of the perfume.

Just one drop can drive people crazy.

And the only one associated with the three deceased is Toothless.

So, is he the murderer?

I won't tell you any spoilers.

As an adaptation, this "Perfume" is not simply taking the story of the original to modern times and making it again.

But on the basis of mastering the essence, it is processed again so that it not only relies on the original core, but tells a different story.

This is a valid adaptation.

This difference is first reflected in the sense of suspense.

The movie version tells us who the murderer is from the very beginning, while the drama version sets up a few suspects, and then slowly advances through the process of deciphering the case.

Among them, everyone has motives and secrets, so that you can't guess who the real murderer is until the last second.

A typical routine of Bengaist reasoning.

In addition, the clues are not given to you all at once, but through flashbacks and jumps, the whole picture of the story is pieced together little by little, giving people a kind of fun of exploration and the feeling of "suddenly understood".

This kind of narrative is very test of skill.

And the director of this play is very good at multi-line narration.

Isn't this a coincidence!

So when watching a drama, no matter how blind you are in the early stage, you can still figure out the relationship between the characters clearly in the later stage.

There are two clear nods to the original in the play.

One is the female detective watching the movie "Perfume" in the office.

The other is the original novel of "Perfume" throughout.

This process is very clever.

Through the different narratives of the five suspects in the novel, their respective personalities are undoubtedly revealed.

Both save trouble, and point.

In addition, the shots in the play are quite delicate and accurate, revealing a cinematic feel.

For example, in the opening scene, the scene where the hair is flying is really perverted and poetic.

When showing the "present" and "the past", the contrast of cold and warm colors is boldly used to convey different emotions.

The most commendable thing is that when there are so many characters and so complex clues, they can always follow the same theme: everyone wants to be loved.

Everyone in the show is a little bit psychopathic.

But without exception, they are all people who lack love.

They long to be loved, but it is difficult to achieve.

To this end, they have made many attempts, whether it is excusable or unforgivable...

So, when there is something to satisfy their desire, who will turn a blind eye? Who wouldn't flock to it?

If there is such a perfume in the world that can make the people you like like you, would you refuse it?

Don't rush to answer me.

There is nothing wrong with longing to be loved, but don't take twisted desire for love.

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