if there is no love

Ulices 2022-12-18 09:07:28

TV is also an artistic expression, isn't it? Therefore, these few children with similar bad childhoods just happened to get together, and it is probably only a deliberate arrangement in the fantasy world. But such a coincidence also gave birth to this sad and terrifying story.

Here's a picture of my favorite pair!

the source of all evil

A few unloved children in a boarding school happen to be a tight-knit group.

First of all I don't think K should count as one of them. K is a famous school girl singer, wild and uninhibited, flirting with boys casually. K is probably just the girl that the boys most desire to have, but it is always difficult to get. Of course Butcher got her, but it was only a moment, and a person like her would never be satisfied with a man's arms. K has a charming aroma, and even without any means, it has a great attraction to everyone. K has no shortage of love, she will not indulge in the breath-taking scent like those five children, after all, this is the privilege she has enjoyed since birth. She will not be a perfumer, she will not hide behind the scenes, but she will show all her enthusiasm to the world. In the eyes of perfumers, it also happens to be an excellent prey. In this story, she's only part of the background, completely different from our several protagonists.

Of the remaining five, none of them had ever tasted true love.

Elena's blood was dripping from the side of the chair, and no one outside the wooden house could hear her desperate cries, always trying to make a smile in the face of her hard-to-please boyfriend/husband. Eyes are often full of tears. Her father never cared about her existence, and her husband only regarded her as part of his property. Bottle after bottle of wine, inadvertently drank in one go. I used to look at the scene of my mother hugging her son with admiration, and even killed her because of this short glance.

Roman was just a good boy with good studies, but Butche always beat him with brute force, and his nimble and cunning heart was useless. He seems to be bound by such values, and treats his girlfriend the same way. In fact, he also wants a happy family, but unfortunately his wife always provokes bees and butterflies, which stimulates the savage nature in his heart. His wife does not have the ability to love him, and because of this love that has not come, he releases it more and more uncontrollably. Violence.

Two people who obviously don't know how to love but need to be healed by someone with turbulent love are married. They both struggled, dragging each other gradually into a darker abyss.

When I was young, the pictures were all bright tones

Their hearts are like the rural scenes shown countless times in the film, overgrown with weeds and dense fog. Only the pale sunshine is left, and the lonely, bright and intense days are filled with the youthful heart. After all, there is no way to go back. Just as the tide recedes, only the rubbish that floats across the sea with the waves is left on the shore.

How can an empty life be filled without love?


Of course, if you think about it carefully, you will find that all five children have learned to disguise themselves so that they do not become an outlier in society and seem to be no different from others.

They all pretended to be happy ordinary people in their own way, but when the news of K's death came and the scene got out of control, those feelings of resentment, violence, viciousness or inferiority swept in again.

Butcher was good at pleasing women, with sweet words and physical attraction, and he became a brothel boss. However, the experience of being abused by his biological mother in his childhood is still vivid in his mind, which is why he is the only one who did not finish reading "Perfume", but only saw the incompetent mother of Granuel. Did he exercise so hard to make up for the eternal loss in the heart of the little boy who couldn't fight back? When he met the prostitute's daughter, he went from being indifferent at first to finally delivering cat pizza to her. Maybe he was looking forward to being a half-father, giving the girl the care he had never felt before, melting that little bit. Brutal appearance.

Toothless reminds me of Wormtail from Harry Potter. The difference is that Toothless here is just a somewhat inferior but [basically] kind person from beginning to end. He cares about his friendship with Elena very much, and is willing to face his own demons for her. But after all, he conspired with her to commit a serious crime, which is probably something that cannot be washed away no matter what.

In fact, I like most of the characters of the female police detective Simon, but I don't understand why she keeps circling around the Prosecutor. The Prosecutor, who had clearly lost interest in her and seemed unattractive, was obviously no match for her partner, who had fallen in love with her scent. At the end of the season, Simon actually went to tempt the prosecutor in the car, but I highly suspect that the perfume is similar to fascination, and once the smell is gone, the person will look cold.

Why is Simon so obsessed with prosecutors?

Waiting for the second season to fill the hole...


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