The largest suspense drama of the year, it's creepy after watching it

Arvilla 2022-09-25 02:35:19

There is such a movie that tells such a story-

In order to make the most fragrant perfume in the world, the male protagonist killed 26 young and beautiful girls.

Seeing such a plot, I believe that the old drivers have already guessed it.

Yes, this is "Perfume" released in 2006.

And today for everyone Amway, after 12 years, Netflix adapted from the movie——

"Perfume" Season 1

Although it is an adaptation, in terms of the development of the plot, it is already a brand new story.

If you insist on any connection, in addition to the title, there is only the setting of killing for incense.

The drama version of "Perfume" opens with three murders.

The three women were killed one after another.

The most terrifying thing is-

Without exception, their hair was shaved, and their armpits and even their private parts were gouged out horribly.

Does this murderer have any special hobbies?

According to the investigation by the police, the murderer killed the three girls for the sake of incense. He only took part of the skin to make a unique perfume.

After determining the motive for the killing, the police continued to investigate.

And this way of tracing is not only a process of locking the murderer step by step, but also a process of tracing back the evil of human nature——

Various related and unrelated crimes of the suspects in the case are emerging little by little...

The first deceased had five friends.

As teenagers, they went to the same boarding school and, by coincidence, they also practiced the method of making incense together.

And these five people naturally became the suspects in the case.

Elena is one of the suspects.

During the investigation, the police accidentally discovered the crimes she committed when she was young.

As a child, she lost the love of her biological parents——

When my mother left, my father ignored me.

On weekdays, Dad never took the initiative to care about Elena.

Even when she was bullied by a hooligan to get pregnant, her father just watched her abort and bleed and was indifferent.

Living in this environment, she naturally wants to have a warm home.

And this desire for love gave birth to her lust for crime when she was young.

One day, a gentle mother came to school to pick up her son home.

The two talked and laughed along the way and left happily.

This scene made Yelena envious and even jealous.

At the suggestion of a friend, she decides to use murder to get incense to win the love of this tender mother.

She imprisoned the boy in a dark and claustrophobic space and stabbed him to death.

Immediately afterwards, he personally cut off his skin tissue and dumped his body in the wilderness.

After having the boy's skin tissue, Elena asked a friend to help create a boyish perfume.

Some time later, news of the boy's disappearance spread, and the boy's mother was distraught.

At such an opportunity, Elena put on perfume and appeared in front of her mother.

The mother who smelled the smell of her son naturally fell in love with Irina.

Everything went as Elena wished, she was adopted by the boy's mother, and she has a happy family since then.

More than ten years ago, Elena would kill people to get incense because she wanted to get love.

After more than ten years, will she commit another crime because of some motive?

In addition to Elena, there is another suspect - a perfumer.

When he was in school, he already showed a strong talent for making incense.

Under the investigation of the police, it was found that he was the one who hinted and abetted Elena to commit a crime more than ten years ago.

Back then, he had just learned to use people to make incense, and he needed someone to train him, but he didn't want to kill himself, so he could only instigate others.

He saw through Elena's deep desire for love and used a borrowed knife to kill.

When Elena watched her mother pick up the boy, he deliberately said something:

"Pups are obsessed with the scent of their mother dog and will blindly follow humans with their mother's scent, and vice versa."

It was this sentence that inspired Elena:

Children are attracted to people who smell like mothers, and mothers of course are attracted to people who smell like children.

As a result, let Elena kill people, and give him the skin tissue to help make incense.

And the three murders more than ten years later had nothing to do with him.

When the police investigated the case, they found a lot of perfume named after a person in his house.

He deliberately said something about how to make a top perfume:

"First, you'll be swept away by a frenzy of air, neutralized with a touch of gentle innocence as the scent turns into nasty filth."

This sentence, three incense-making stages and three incense-making raw materials, just corresponds to the three deceased people.

Fever, alluding to the first dead, a wild and sexy diva.

Obscene, alluding to the second dead, a lascivious prostitute.

Gentle and innocent, alluding to the third deceased, a pure and kind girl.

More than ten years ago, he would deliberately instigate Elena to kill in order to practice making perfume.

So after more than ten years, will he instigate others to kill in order to make top-notch perfume?

In addition to Elena and the perfumer, several other people in the play are also suspected.

As for who is the real murderer? Xiaoying won't spoil it, I can only say that the final result is really very, very, very unexpected.

In this play,

Elena had a miserable life, and in order to get love, she would not hesitate to kill.

Perfumers are obsessed with making incense, and even take risks for it.

There are several other suspects,

Some people became pimps when they grew up because they were sexually assaulted by their mothers when they were young.

Some people have sinned many times to help a loved one.

And these are the good things about this show - people.

What it focuses on is not who the murderer is, but the humanity involved in the process of locking the murderer.

Longing to be loved, extreme paranoia, childhood shadows, extramarital affairs...

Everyone has his key words.

And they are all struggling with vague good and evil in their despairing fate...

Want to see it? Pay attention to the WeChat public account: late night movie recommendation, there is a surprise in replying to the title~

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