After watching the TV series version of [Perfume], my head is crazy

Paris 2022-11-21 07:14:03

finish watching. There are thousands of thoughts in my head, and I want to sort out the plot here. First of all, the stories of these people all tell that childhood experiences will seriously affect people's life...; Second, I personally think that two lines are derived from the theme of perfume and love.

1. Main line: The psychiatrist killed Kay (top note), the prostitute (middle note), and the sister (back note), and asked the perfumer to make a crazy cute perverted perfume.

2. Sideline: Introduced in detail that Toothless wanted to help Elena to get love, but killed the little boy, and invited a perfumer to make a perfume to attract mother's love.

3. Of course, I think that the psychiatrist learned about murder and refining perfume through the childhood story that Toothless told him. The line of the policewoman purely demonstrates the terribleness of this perfume.

Of course, the feeling of guessing the big boss while watching is not bad. But the movie version is more artistic. (Don't spray if you don't like it)

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