The smell of the flower of evil blooming

Kattie 2022-12-10 00:28:50

I watched the nude swimming scene at the beginning several times because it was really beautiful. But the first episode of this show is dimly lit, with too many threads, difficult to recognize faces, fragmented foreshadowing, peaceful music, German hypnosis, slow rhythm, except for a few sudden intrusions of autopsy and sex scenes that sting eyes, really It was so slow that I fell asleep after watching it a few times, thinking what the hell, if it wasn't for the two heroines being so beautiful, and the six episodes were finished, I would definitely give up the show! ! !

But stick to the beginning of the second episode, the curtain of the past is gradually lifted, the childhood stories of these few people are interspersed with the present entanglement, like perfume slowly evaporating, sparse shadows slanting horizontally and shallow water, dark fragrance floating in the moon and dusk, this The taste of Huang Baode's calm and strange plot began to show, and the end of each episode was a small climax. When I saw the fourth episode, I went back and watched the first episode again, and when I saw the last episode, I reviewed the previous episodes. once again.

The emotional line of the boarding school quintet is the first layer of the main body, the female detective's emotional line is the second layer, and the emotional line of the real murderer behind the scenes is the third layer of dark lines. Why did he become the murderer? what happened? Why are the last few minutes so aggressive? There are 10,000 question marks in my heart, but the progress bar stops abruptly here, but if you think about it, the answer has already been told to you in the previous dialogue, and you have filled a lot of stories in your brain, which is really breathless.

Each character is not idle, and the logic of the front and back echoes is very complete. It can be said that the structure is exquisite and patient. Compared with the bluffing and bluffing of ordinary TV dramas, the dialogue is less and restrained. The advancement and turning of many stories are expressed through pictures. The story is told by the expressions and eyes of the actors. The place left a lot of white, but it made people more memorable. It's a very special viewing experience.

The smell of blooming flowers of evil, amour love, must be a thrilling beauty.

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