Tell me about the "Perfume" I saw

Frances 2022-11-10 12:19:17

plot analysis

Like the opening of most suspense films, the discovery of a female corpse leads to everything that follows. Only this time, the female corpse was even more hideous and broken, and the director deliberately gave a few close-ups, which persuaded many viewers who could not accept such a heavy taste at the beginning of the film. This is also true, because later, this film went to a deeper level of distortion and struggle, and it is indeed not suitable for everyone.

In the first episode of "Perfume", the first female corpse was found. At the end of the first episode, the camera passed over suspects, stopped in a perfume-making studio, and the expressionless man put what looked like minced meat into the vessel . Seeing this, I can't help but suspect that the screenwriter revealed the victims, the detectives and the murderer to us in the first episode, and the plot after that is how the police detectives track down the murderer and how the murderer escapes pursuit.

It's just that this kind of thinking is too simple. In the second episode, I finally found that the show is indeed two lines, but it is not the detective and the murderer, but the past and the present. Dead slut Kay and five close friends who knew each other as teenagers were students at the same boarding school. A boy in the boarding school that year went missing for no apparent reason and has not been found. And his disappearance seems to have a lot to do with the six children including the female deceased, and the case has become more complicated.

The screenwriter uses two neat tricks to make the whole story even more confusing.

One is to cut the past and future timelines very piecemeal, interspersed with each other, and when the past episodes slowly develop to important climaxes, quickly cut back to the present timeline, and vice versa. It has always left a feeling of incomprehension.

The second is to increase the emotional line of the policewoman who handled the case and her memories of her life experience in the later period, which makes all the plots more full, but at the same time adds a lot of information for the audience to digest. If the audience is just to watch the suspense and solve the case, the audience may also feel that the plot is a little dragged because of the addition of this auxiliary line. However, this line serves the theme of this season - love, and also has the ambition of the screenwriter itself. There is so much to be discovered in the heroine of this detective, so the screenwriter wants to extend this role to a The bigger map, in other words, is most likely the theme of the second season.

At the end of the plot, some questions have been answered, and there are some questions that the screenwriter may have forgotten to answer, or want to answer in the second season.

About childhood:

Luomen (domestic violence man), Butch (brothel man), Moritz (perfume man) are a small gang, and they were obsessed with Kai (the first dead, slut) when they were young, especially Luomen. But Kay has always been a dispensable attitude towards the three of them. In a rage, the three found another Irina (Roman's grown-up wife), here I don't know what they did to Irina for the first time, and the director made a blank. After the incident, Romon's rare kindness attacked and sent Elena home. Elena came from a single-parent family who was not cared by her father, and she had never been loved by anyone. She mistakenly took Romon's rare kindness this time. As caring and caring, she became Luomen's girlfriend. On the other hand, the later Romon is still chasing Kay, who is deeply infatuated with himself. Because his own sexual experience is not comparable to Butch, who has been sexually assaulted by his own mother, Kay likes Butch more than Romon. Under the jealousy, Roman used the wrong test answers passed to Butch to make Butch fail in the exam, and at the same time attracted Butch to beat himself up in front of everyone in the restaurant, and eventually Butch was expelled from the school. In revenge, Butch rapes Roman's titular girlfriend, Irina. Elena became pregnant because of this, and she had an abortion and hurt her body. The social welfare agency found out that her father was an incompetent father and wanted to send her to a nursery.

The toothless guy has always been the least noticed type of person in the school, the so-called nerd, but he has been silently caring about Elena. He was also attracted to this small group. They read a novel called "Perfume" together and learned the contents of the book to extract the smell of plants, animals and even the human body. Among them, Moritz seems to be most interested in this thing and has the highest talent. He successfully extracted perfume from a female dog and sprayed it on her body, attracting the puppies to follow him. He told Toothless Man the same thing in reverse. In other words, if there is a scent extracted from the puppy on her body, the bitch will also be willing to follow her. What about people?

Irina didn't want to be sent to a kindergarten. She had always been deeply envious of a boy in the same school because he had a mother who loved him. Every time he came to pick him up, his mother would hug him at the gate of the school, full of love. A loving hug, she wants to have that kind of mother, or rather, she wants to have that kind of mother. So, she and the toothless man killed the boy and used him to make a bottle of perfume. The boyish Elena was adopted by the mother of the boy who lost her child. This is the story of the past.

Up to now:

The first to die was Kai. The scope of suspicion for the murderer is actually quite large.

The quintet: It seems vaguely related to Kai's past and present. Roman and Kay had an extramarital relationship. He was still madly infatuated with Kay, would he kill Kay because of Kay's relationship with other men? As Romon's wife, does Elena want to make Kay a perfume to attract her husband? Could Moritz kill Kay for a fragrance ingredient? As the owner of a brothel, Butch has been weird and violent in the way he treats his prostitutes. Could it be him? Toothless men are incompetent and seem perverted?

And the 50+ men Kay rolled over the sheets in two years.

There are also some exposed figures, the father of Irina, who seems to have misogynistic cancer, and a janitor who is a boarding school; and the principal of the boarding school, who is also confirmed to have slept with Kai; The customer, the lonely old lady, also seemed to give the shot, the psychiatrist of the toothless man.

The second deceased, Butch's leading prostitute, dies.

Many smokescreens finally dissipated. For example, the principal was ruled out, and Luo Man’s suspicion seemed to fade because he had no relationship with the prostitute. The toothless man had just found the confidence of a man from the prostitute, and it seemed that he would not turn around and kill the prostitute. But another smoke bomb appeared, a police officer who showed up at Kay's funeral was identified by the prostitute's daughter as having been to the brothel. And because Elena gave the prostitute's daughter a sedative and Kay's son also seemed to be given a sedative, which made people suspicious.

The third deceased was the sister of the toothless man's psychiatrist. The smoke screen that appeared before came into play again. On the day Kay died, the old lady who lived nearby saw an unfamiliar car and remembered a sticker on the car's car, which was on the car of the previously identified policeman. Just happened to have this sticker. Everything seemed to come naturally, he showed up at Kay's residence the night Kay died, and he went to the brothel where the prostitute was. As for the third psychiatrist's sister, it seems that he is looking for another object.

But the real murderer is Toothless Man's psychiatrist. She learned about Kai and the six of them's past through Toothless Man. She also learned about the prostitute who made Toothless Man regain his confidence through Toothless Man. The important thing is that she She is the elder sister of the third deceased, and her mother has always had a preference for her sister because of her natural disability. And it was the perfumer who helped her make the perfume.

The writer's clever bit is that when we've been believing that the quintet had something to do with the little boy's death, and when the little boy's body was dug up and died in the same way as Kay, it's hard to put our suspicions on that. Outside the group of five. One is because of the mindset that they think the murderer is the same, and the other is because only five of them know about such a method of killing and making perfume. This is because of these two points, let us ignore the clues about other people again and again, and always put the object of suspicion on the group of five. In the end, it was the psychiatrist who killed people, and she could learn part of the past from the toothless man, and at the same time there was the perfume man standing behind him. He may never actually kill a person, but he has always been a master of instigation.


As some viewers have said, in this drama, every character is perverted. And behind every metamorphosis there is a reason for his/her metamorphosis.

Moritz, a master of instigation since childhood. His fascination with perfume is extreme, and in the book, he is the protagonist of perfume, Jean-Maptiste Grenouille. It's just that in modern society, he is smart enough not to do it himself, but always shows up when people are vulnerable and tells them what they need to do. Tell a toothless boy how the smell can attract a mother, and tell a psychiatrist desperate for attraction how to make a deadly perfume. It can be said that although the murderer in the first season is a psychiatrist, the final boss is Moritz, the perfume man. It is impossible for him to not know that the psychiatrist killed the three women to get the raw materials, but he is smart enough not to. Knowing what the ingredients are for excuses escaped punishment.

Roman, from the plot that he was willing to send Elena home, I once thought that he was really good-natured, and he also really loved Elena later, but it was just overly possessive machismo, As for Kai, he's just been deeply sensually obsessed. To Elena, he is love, to Kai, he is desire. Then after seeing it, I realized that I was wrong, he is a real cowardly villain. He was obsessed with Kai from the beginning to the end. For Elena, it was just because he enjoyed the feeling of being depended on by Elena. When it seemed that everyone didn't look down on him very much, and when he was beaten by Butch and dared not fight back, he was deflated by Kai. When he was with Irina, what he enjoyed was the long-lost dependence and the feeling of being feared by others, so he chose to stay with her just for his sad little boy who didn't dare to resist when he was beaten by Kay and Butch. A small self-esteem can be satisfied with Irina.

Butch, though cranky, wanted his mother's affection more than anyone, and that's why he was so good to the whore's daughter. He never really took pity on anyone, whether it was Kay, Elena, or his prostitutes. He clearly knew that teasing Elena would anger Romon and hurt Elena, but he did it again and again. But regarding the mother, all his actions softened, whether it was carefully explaining the reason for the beating to Elena's daughter or the actions he did to the daughter of a prostitute later, he liked the screenwriter's creation of Butch's own. A little soft.

Toothless man is actually a very tragic character. He is a person who can really love people, but he doesn't know how to protect Elena. He was locked in a cave for her, killed for her, and carried her back. pot. However, after growing up, Irina still chose Luomen, the man who abused her, it has to be said that it was a tragedy.

Irina, can be said to be the girl I love the most in the whole show. She has never been well guarded by her parents. She doesn't know how it feels to be loved. She mistakenly released the only kindness that Luomen gave her. As a signal that he loves herself, she tries to please him. She has endured his violence, and even later, in order to steal the love of the little boy's mother, she would not hesitate to kill. But after the murder, she has been restless. What she wants most is to keep her daughter from growing up in the same environment as she grew up in, so as to keep her safe and sound. It's a pity that she didn't even realize this simple wish. She even concealed the truth of Luomen's domestic violence so that her daughter would not be sent to a kindergarten in the end, just so that when she couldn't stay with her daughter, she would still be have a father. But in fact, I doubt it, will Luomen treat her daughter well? When Elena was still by his side, he could vent his anger through Elena, but what about Elena gone? Won't their daughter be murdered by their father? It may just be another inevitable reincarnation, the former Irina, the current Glenda.

human nature

Finally, I want to talk about the female police officer. Many people hate the female police officer. They killed the psychiatrist and secretly concealed the bottle of fatally attractive perfume. But the onlookers are clear, I ask myself, when I stand in the position of a policewoman, a bottle of fatally attractive perfume is placed in front of me, and behind me is a lover who has been turned upside down and you want to keep but can't. Will I be moved? ? At this time, might the power of morality to restrain a person be greater than the attractiveness of that bottle of perfume? It's hard for me to say, plus, the policewoman was originally a person with character flaws, and the long-term lack of love made her cling to that shameful love. I didn't say that she shouldn't be cast aside, it's just that she killed the psychiatrist and secretly took the bottle of perfume under such a background and situation was a reasonable development. She refused, and all the clues the screenwriter had set up about her from the beginning would be superfluous. After all, German dramas are not domestic dramas, and only a positive ending can pass the trial. In German dramas, the defect of morality being defeated by human nature is also normal, because their screenwriters and directors have been thinking about how bad human nature can be. ? What are people tempted by?

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