All those who yearn for love can't find it

Tamia 2022-09-20 22:57:40

I stayed up all night to finish watching this drama, and I was angry when I watched it?--This bastard actually beats a woman, this scumbag is so irresponsible. . . some type of. After watching it, I found that in fact, several main characters in this drama are very sad. Because the women in this play are very important leading roles, I will focus on a few women.

1. Kay. Kay's death is the opening that opens the whole story, yet Kay's description is almost entirely reminiscence and other people's telling. Kay's childhood and background are not explained in the play, and most of her descriptions stay on the level of beauty and enchanting, which can attract countless men. Maybe most people think that Kai is very promiscuous, but when he was a student, Kai was always a couple with Butch, but not like Butch to others. Although she and several other people are also likely to have sexual relations, but to Butch. Butch is still the most different to her. But when he grew up, Kai didn't even know who the child belonged to. It can be seen that Kai's promiscuous love, lingering among countless men, came later. We don't know what happened during this period, but since there is no normal person in the small group of six people, and Kai gave his son milk with sedatives, it can basically be concluded that Kai also has hobbies or defects in some aspects, and Most likely due to childhood abuse.

Kay's ability to make people fall in love with her is as innate as her scent, and it's possible that she doesn't understand how precious it is to be loved. But the later change is probably that she also used quantity to make up for quality after losing her real lover. Pure speculation

2. Elena. I personally think Elena is the saddest character in the whole show, she didn't get the love of her biological parents and the love of her adoptive mother failed to save her. Abandoned by her mother since she was a child (through the photo taken with her parents, her father cut off her mother, guessing that her mother left them), her father did not care about her at all like a stranger, and Elena suffered from an attachment disorder. Someone with an attachment disorder has a hard time developing long-term intimacy with others, and her attachment to Lohmann is likely Stockholm Syndrome. She was surrounded by Romon, Butch and Perfumer (forgot her name) when she was a student, most likely she was raped by Romon, so little Elena sat on the back seat of Romon's bicycle and asked so now you are me boyfriend? Irina had never been in an intimate relationship, so she assumed it was love and held onto the relationship. But Rohm didn't love her, Rohm loved Kai. Later, Elena married Romon. Every time Romon was insulted by Butch, she would beat Elena violently. She never resisted or left Romon, which further confirmed Elena's deformed attachment to others.

At the same time, Elena, whose father does not love her mother, is very envious of the little boy Mel Teng who is picked up by her mother every day. Inspired by the perfumer's dog experiment, she joins forces with Toothless, who loves her unconditionally, to kill the little boy to get it. Fragrant, the dove occupies the magpie's nest instead. However, the close relationship with her adoptive mother is probably more of an imitation to her, an imitation of the close relationship between Melton and her mother. Before becoming a mother, Elena was completely unable to love others like a normal person. And after Melton's perfume ran out, she was a stranger to her adoptive mother again.

The only Toothless who loves Elena has been ignored by Elena. It's not that she doesn't know that Toothless is good to herself, but she can't feel normal love, so she uses Toothless.

3. Detective Simon. The female police detective also had a tragic and loveless childhood, her mother kept her at home but did not come back for a few days, her father seemed to run away irresponsibly (guess), she jumped out of the window when she wanted to go out to find her mother He fell to the ground. All kinds of struggles to gain mother's love ended in failure, and finally was sent to the orphanage and grew up in it. This explains why no matter how ruthless the scumbag boss treats her, she is paranoid that he wants him back to her side. Because she longed to be loved, longed for her child to be loved by her father and mother, and did not want her child to repeat her mistakes. But the person she fell in love with was very wrong. He was just playing around and didn't love her. This pair of Simon, who has lost the love of his parents since childhood, is tantamount to losing the last straw that he managed to catch, so she madly wants to possess the scumbag boss, even if she is confused with the aroma, even if she kills. From this point of view, Simon and Irina are no different: in order to hold on to the illusion of being loved, killing is only a necessary means.

4. Psychiatrist. The difference between the psychiatrist and the above is that she has a mother and raised her. But the unfortunate thing is that this mother selectively ignores her. She only sees her disabled sister who is loved by everyone, but she is so indifferent to herself as if she is an ant. So the psychiatrist who lacks love also perverts in order to get love. What's even more terrifying is that this pervert is very literate. After studying psychology, he manipulates others and kills his own sister in order to realize his lofty ideal of being "lovable by everyone". At the end of the play, the psychiatrist has penetrated the essence of love, but she can't turn back, because being loved is as addictive as a drug, and she can't stop.

In fact, the introduction of the psychiatrist in the plot is relatively small, so that the characters are not full enough. Although the motivation is reasonable, there is a feeling that the audience will be thrown off the car if the plot turns too fast.

What almost everyone in the play has in common is the desire to get love, the love of a mother, the love of a lover, too much desire and not getting it, so that it becomes a huge desire and paranoia.

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