love is just a word

Cletus 2022-09-20 14:00:15

People who lack love are always lonely, and those who are too lonely are always vulnerable

If love is a smell, we're probably following it all the time. Puppies are obsessed with the smell of their mother and blindly follow humans with their mother's scent; a mother who has lost her child is obsessed with the smell of her child and adopts a "perfume" Elena. We are all simple olfactory creatures easily manipulated by love.

Naja may have been a lucky accident. Losing her sense of smell saved her from being manipulated by the psychologist behind the scenes, but how could the desire for love in human nature be terminated so easily. People who lack love since childhood are incomplete after all, Najia always wants to give her unborn child a complete childhood, a childhood when a mother won't lock herself at home, and a person wanders on a bicycle on a balcony; a childhood that doesn't need to be Go out to find her childhood lost her sense of smell when her mother fell from the upstairs.

People who lack love are always lonely, and lonely people are always vulnerable. The perfumer can gently and cruelly exchange the anorexia potion with the ballet dancer for the body fragrance on her body, and can easily persuade the lonely old woman with gray hair... But the most tragic thing is to read countless people, in order to concoct a lot of people. Perfume does not hesitate to kill a psychologist. At the end of the film, she says--

people think
Love is beautiful
But it's not
love is just
a word
There are thousands of forms of love
possessive love
destructive love
And love that destroys

There are many stories in this world where love generates hate, love generates jealousy, and love generates evil thoughts. Love is just a word, but when you meet different people, you have different opportunities.

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