A mouse spoils a pot of porridge

Keith 2022-12-22 21:10:35

Adapted from the novel of the same name. A 4-episode miniseries produced by Sky One in the UK.
After all, I grew up watching Hong Kong gangster films, and those gangsters have seen a lot of grievances and grievances. However, this film is actually a family ethics drama under the background of gangsters. The two brothers married two sisters. What a good match was originally, but a mouse broke a pot of porridge. . In the end, the bad guy was eliminated, but the estrangement had already formed; the ruthless new boss and the next generation who escaped seemed to imply that revenge is hard to come by.
Thinking about it carefully, on the surface of literature and art, love, hate, father-killing, incest, it's not as good as fighting, killing and killing, and it's not as enjoyable as Haonan pheasant. Of course, one is pretending, the other is brainless, depending on whether you like radishes or cabbage.
Tom Hardy, who had been drinking and taking drugs in his early years, played Freddie's madness and confusion to the bone marrow this time. I hope he doesn't get carried away with the relapse of his old disease.

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