wolf trail

Clementine 2022-10-24 14:31:09

The film is based on the true experience of biologist Farley Mowat. In order to investigate whether arctic wolves would threaten the survival of the deer herd, biologists came to the North Pole alone, and after a short ups and downs, they successfully stationed opposite the wolf den to observe the life of the wolves. The irony is that the arctic wolf not only does not threaten the deer herd, but even the deer are difficult to catch. It is only an expert at catching voles, and the deer that disappeared were hunted by the rich to remove the deer skin and the deer head was taken away. The locals who had promised not to kill the Arctic wolf did not kill the Arctic wolf, but instead revealed the white wolf's living place to the rich with new porcelain teeth. An investigation of animals allowed him to witness the greed of human beings with his own eyes. Animals hunted animals for survival, but for their fur, for their heads, and for deformed desires...

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Never Cry Wolf quotes

  • Tyler: [Narrating] I'd heard some of the tales about the Arctic: the mad trappers, Diamond Tooth Gertie, The Ice-Worm Cocktail and all that. So, I was prepared for things to be a little weird.

  • Tyler: [Narrating] The only plane in Nootsak belonged to a part-time bush pilot, gambler, and real estate tycoon named Rosie Little. While we were negotiating our deal, he introduced me to this drink that he'd invented. Known locally as "Moose Juice," it consisted of equal parts Moose Brand Beer and ethyl alcohol. Before I knew it, my old fear of flying evaporated, and I spent all the money I had left... on 24 cases of beer.