circus far away

Eldora 2022-08-20 15:58:55

Once upon a time, the elephants stepped on the ball, the acrobats rolled in the air, and the lion jumped through the fire ring, which made people fascinated. , Take your own children to see the acrobatic troupe and often return happily, and become a capital to show off to your classmates.
With the vigorous development of movie special effects, the imagination of many novelists shows more and more real and gorgeous images on the screen, shocking Explosion, wonderful slow motion, and dazzling special effects spoil people's appetite, and the cookie-cutter performance of the circus gradually drains the audience. Until now, it is very normal that people have not seen the circus, even if it is on TV, It's probably hard for people to get interested. After there are gorgeous kung fu fighting, exciting plots, and superman who can't shoot bullets, what reason is there to watch simple acrobatics? Even if they don't hang the wire when they roll in the air, even if they are often injured in their usual training, even if many people have a problem with flipping a somersault, ordinary acrobatics are still not attractive
. After winning rounds of applause such as "My Life", the circus also released a movie, with just the right lighting, grand scenery, and slow motion that is not usually seen when watching acrobatics, allowing you to see the details of the performance clearly, and there are many improvements. The visual effects of the performance (this may be because the last time I saw the circus was N years ago), coupled with the exciting soundtrack, made some of the performances very enjoyable, although there are still some old-fashioned and boring, but at least It's interesting to see acrobatics from a new perspective. Of course, according to Wikipedia, Cirque du Soleil does not perform animal juggling in traditional circuses, and Baidu Encyclopedia also describes that human rights organizations oppose circuses forcing animals to perform. , so there are only human beings in the film.
The film itself has no story. It just follows a tourist to watch various acrobatic performances. Sometimes it is boring, sometimes exciting, sometimes uninspired, and sometimes magnificent.
The film cost 25 million, and the North American box office in its first week There are only 2.16 million, the final North American box office is 12.51 million, the final overseas box office is 20.14 million, and the global total is 32.65 million. It seems that even the Canadian national treasure circus, innovative acrobatics, and the combination of film CG performances cannot make people feel How much interest the circus has generated, I wonder if anyone will remember those fire-breathing performers, those big tents that carry joy

Overall Rating: 3.5/5.0

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Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away quotes

  • Ringmaster: The world's strongest man, and jugglers, the terrifying face mangler, uni-cyclists, and our main act, which you have to see to believe! Can you feel the heat ladies and gentlemen? Prepare to be amazed, terrified, titillated and amused! From all corners of the globe, the deepest jungles, the driest deserts, the highest mountains, we've got you the best of the best, the greatest of the great, the most marvelous of all the marvels! Our jugglers were trained in the royal courts of the czars. Our beauties were chosen from the finest Europe has to offer. So sit back, relax, and get ready for Circus Marvelous! And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for. No noise. No photographs. Let your heads and minds fly with a man who defies gravity, who defies science, who defies your imagination, our one, our only, death-defying, lady-sighing, trapeze-flying, aerialist!