
Cassidy 2022-07-18 11:11:30

Time is short, simply record a little thought at the moment.

1 The heroine crossed the railway to the camp. In fact, her temperament and dress were incompatible with the circus itself. At the door, several girls full of cheap youth glanced at her and said no way, which can be understood as female jealousy, or something else.

2 male lead flying iron cable. The sad music at the moment reminds me of the living situation of buskers in an era when material conditions are difficult to guarantee. The place where the male protagonist fell collapsed, and the people around disappeared instantly. If it is understood as a beautiful fairy tale, then the two have entered the incredible Alice fantasy, pursued each other, and experienced the process of human society from a place covered by wonders. I also mainly write according to this possibility. If it is understood that the heroine died for the man, then the following plot is the reincarnation of the two, starting from the rebirth of the baby (still very fairy tale). At the moment when the quicksand was involved in her, the heroine who was overwhelmed by the love of the crash wanted to turn back, but it was too late.

3 Enter the tent. The music at this time is great! The tent is like the birth of a different world. And the lunatic with slender and twisted limbs is an inevitable pawn in the development of the story, and it also has a kind of prophetic flavor. Animals galloping and human bodies shattered. This is an early natural myth. The god of death soars in the air on a wooden horse, and countless bodies churn in blood and water. Note that these bodies are actually biting the male protagonist who was thrown in. The two missed it for the first time here.

4 Walk through the matriarchal society and sail through the ship of life. Death got rid of the ignorant state of riding a wooden horse, and civilization and mythology went from naive to maturity together. The fire players (mythical or ancient rebels? Hard to explain) have death behind them. In the back, the male protagonist was handed over to the underworld by the matriarchal society or the chaotic camp. The pale flesh leaves the scarlet soul behind, and the crocodile god peeks in the river. Very Egyptian.

5 The tree-like curtain of life opened. The ancient gods bid farewell to the best son of god. Because of the growth of human civilization, mythology has come to an end. The purified soul came to bid him farewell, and the price of walking through ignorance was countless heavy lives. The composition and music are very beautiful at this point! Note that at this time a filthy man in black tights appeared and ascended from the place where the male protagonist sank.

6 The male protagonist was sent to the underworld, or reincarnation (the original reincarnation is Ferris wheel 233, and there are only five reincarnations). Beneath Samsara, there is also Madam Meng who cooks porridge. The fighting scene in the back, how should I put it, is very Chinese in the eyes of Westerners. After the successful fight against monsters, the Celestial Soldier ascended to the sky, and the Celestial Master next door was crying (too embarrassing). From ancient gods, later fighting heroes, to modern chapters, people are gradually being dwarfed.

7 The heroine entered the primitive society. The men who came to court had Latin American faces. The boa constrictor that warned her also exudes a raw, unrestrained air.

8 The heroine enters the modern society (the film completely skips the development period of the middle society and goes directly to the eve of modern times). The atmosphere suddenly beat the Beatles. black bird is about black rights, but here is just a heartwarming tale of a crush.

9 The naughty little yellow shoelace heroine entered the capital society and was also the last journey of American culture. The heroine passes through heroic culture, and the male protagonist passes through Indian-flavored boudoir grievances, deep-rooted love, or women's reflection on self-worth. The underwater adventures that followed were too obvious, the era of great sailing. Tire and the Flying Girl, Industrialization and Broadway.

10 Capital's backlash against people is also the second time the two have missed each other. The bound paper hat moves stiffly (intellectual), the star-spangled lady is toyed with the workers to the sky, the coat lady indulges in the ball, the sexually suggestive twin lady is dismissive of the poor (the same sexually suggestive girl in a box, materializes herself) ), the children are savage like animals, the crowd is faceless, and the demons are laughing and watching everything in the air... In short, the film's attitude towards America is very obvious.

11 The collapse of capital. The male and female protagonists did not appear, but appeared on the electronic screen (you who are blind date) in the form of white images, looking for each other. Conservatives in black fled among them. But what is the end of liberation? Those familiar with this history can associate sexual liberation with hippies.

12 The heroine witnesses the failure of another pair of lovers. There is a gap in age between the two and a gap in space (men's navy uniform). However, with all the love letters strung together, withered roses in tears, and the contradiction between responsibility and poetry, I can't really blame it, and I fell in love with the acoustic guitar version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. The love between the two is actually a profile of the love between the male and female protagonists, another version of the interpretation. If the male and female protagonists are not determined to pursue each other, the ending may be the same (only refers to the movie, no matter how determined you are in reality, you are also a single dog).

13 When social development comes to an end, screenwriters are also blank, and they can only return to nature blabla. It can be said that the male and female protagonists return to themselves in the animal world and find each other (spring is here, and beep-).

If you look at it from another angle, it is just a story of two people growing up from infancy, going through ignorance, the departure of their parents, social struggle, the passion and feasting of life, and finally returning to nature and meeting each other when they are mature. Looking at it this way, in fact, the growth of a person is no different from the growth of a civilization. Or are these just a hodgepodge of national cultures? Or are these just an overinterpretation?


And for me, this movie is more than 5 stars. It's one of the few good memories I have that isn't exhausting or painful.

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Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away quotes

  • Ringmaster: The world's strongest man, and jugglers, the terrifying face mangler, uni-cyclists, and our main act, which you have to see to believe! Can you feel the heat ladies and gentlemen? Prepare to be amazed, terrified, titillated and amused! From all corners of the globe, the deepest jungles, the driest deserts, the highest mountains, we've got you the best of the best, the greatest of the great, the most marvelous of all the marvels! Our jugglers were trained in the royal courts of the czars. Our beauties were chosen from the finest Europe has to offer. So sit back, relax, and get ready for Circus Marvelous! And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for. No noise. No photographs. Let your heads and minds fly with a man who defies gravity, who defies science, who defies your imagination, our one, our only, death-defying, lady-sighing, trapeze-flying, aerialist!