"I'll take you to where you came from!" - "Little Leopard Duma"

Missouri 2022-11-06 06:44:09

Black people in the movie say: "People go when they're ready, not when you're ready. We're all just, travelers on the same river, grandparents, parents, and their children, on this river. We all have our own time, we just do what we can before we disappear. Xan, now is your time."

When I saw this passage, I was actually very touched. At that time, I was thinking: How can what this black man say makes sense. This is not to tell all of us in disguise that in fact, people come and go with their own way back and their own ideas. Even if we feel sad and reluctant, it is of no use. We can only do some small things before they leave. Work hard and take control of your own direction.

This movie tells a seemingly ordinary story, it seems very ordinary, but in fact this story still makes me admire, because after the little boy raised the cheetah, he single-handedly sent the cheetah back to the grassland, and then let the cheetah It has found its own life state, so that the cheetah can have its own life.

The boy was very sad when the cheetah left. At this time, the black man came over and persuaded him: "People come and go in their own way." The little boy was actually quite immersed in a state of sadness, because after all, the cheetah and himself Been with me for so long.

"Maybe everyone in our life can only accompany us halfway!"

The boy likes his father very much, but his father only stayed with him for a while before he got cancer and left this world. But my father taught the little boy many, many things, taught the little boy to make a fire, and taught the little boy to love and be brave. I think this is a very important thing in this world.

But the good times didn't last long, and my father left.

Later, in the process of escorting the cheetah home, the little boy seemed to have no one to accompany him, but in fact there was someone to accompany him. His father has always been with him, and the love and bravery his father taught him will always be with him. .

At the beginning of the film it says, "In Africa, if you name a person, you are responsible for him. A proper name captures the most important qualities." So the little boy's mother thought The name "Dumah", which then means "cheetah" in Hindi, fits the leopard's habits very well.

At the beginning of the movie, the little boy was going to send the cheetah back alone; but later, when they met a black man, when the black man was in danger, the little boy did not say that he would leave, he went back, Saved the black man and ran away with the little cheetah.

I admire this little boy who loves nature and is brave. This experience will occupy an important place in the little boy's life and make him better and better.

"Reminds me of the movie "Fly With You""

When I watched the movie "Flying With You", I actually had tears in my eyes. I felt very moved and moved. After watching it, I wanted to have a plane, and then I was asked to escort the geese to fly south.

After watching "Little Leopard Duma", I want to have a cheetah.

After watching "A Dog's Way Home", I wanted to own a dog again.

After watching Arrietty the Borrower, I wanted to have someone like this somewhere in my house.

When I finished watching Dorai A Dream, I especially wanted a robot cat.

Anyway, when I watched every movie, I really wanted all kinds of pets in it and wanted to be with them. I'm lonely and these pets can stay with me day and night.

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Extended Reading

Duma quotes

  • Ripkuna: People go when they are ready to go, not when you are. We are all just travelers on the same river, grandparents, parents, sons and daughters. We all have our time on the river. We do what we can before we disappear.

  • Xan: Love doesn't stop when time passes, or you live in different places, or sombody's gone.

    Xan: That's how it was with me and Duma.