or better, what does a human being want from life?
The word "feminism" is always a bit of an oddity.
In the final analysis, what women want is not sexual freedom, but personal freedom. Whether the ransom is money or power, or simply leaving, isn't it all about getting out?
Does a woman exist as an "identity" or as a person?
The subcategory of "identity" is endless: wives, mothers, daughters, colleagues, prostitutes, babysitters. . .
If sexual freedom reaches a certain level—for example, the so-called prostitution is legal, abortion is free, and homosexuality is free—but it is still aimed at fulfilling “identity” and using itself as a means, then it is still a slave. This kind of sexual freedom is probably better called sexual openness. Anyway, it is not difficult to "open" now.
"Feminism" is a bit of an exaggeration: not for women, but starting with women and freeing all slaves. (I personally have always held this point of view, anyway, this thing is very misunderstood)
This film definitely has an "international standard": no subtitles, no need to understand French, you can watch it the same. Maybe this is art.
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