About Noah's Ark

Diego 2022-08-20 15:39:14

Noah's Ark is a fascinating legend from the Bible's Book of Genesis. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit. Adam lived to be 930 years old, and he and Eve had countless children, and their descendants passed on from generation to generation, more and more, and gradually spread throughout the earth. After that, Cain killed his brother, opening the prelude to the killing of each other by humans. Human beings are branded with original sin, God has cursed the land, and people have to work hard to make ends meet, so resentment and evil thoughts are growing day by day. People are endlessly killing each other, fighting, and plundering each other, and the violence and evil in the world have reached an inexhaustible level.

When God saw all this, he regretted creating man very much, and he was very saddened by the sins committed by mankind. God said: "I will destroy all the people and beasts and insects that I have created, as well as the birds in the air." But he was reluctant to destroy all his creations. He hoped that the new generation of people and animals would be more obedient and repent. Renew and build an ideal world.

Among the sinful crowd, only Noah found favor in the sight of God. God regarded him as a righteous man who had done his duty; his three sons had not gone astray under the strict education of their father. Noah also often warned people around him that they should stop doing evil as soon as possible and get rid of a life full of sin. But people didn't take his words seriously, and continued to do their own thing, blindly doing evil and enjoying themselves.

God chose Noah's family: Noah and his wife, three sons and their daughter-in-law, to be preserved as the seeds of a new generation of mankind. God told them that the Great Destruction would take place in seven days, and asked them to build an ark out of gopher wood, build them one by one, and smear the inside and outside with rosin. The ark is 300 hours long, 50 hours wide, and 30 hours high. On the top of the ark, there should be windows that let light through, and a door should be opened next to it. The ark is divided into three layers: upper, middle and lower. They did so immediately.

When God saw that the ark was built, he said, "Behold, I will flood the earth with a flood and destroy the world, and every living thing that has flesh and breath on the earth will die. But I will make a covenant with you, and you will be with you. Your wife, sons, and daughters-in-law will enter the ark. All clean animals, seven males and seven females, unclean animals, one male and one female, and seven males and seven females of the birds of the sky. Seeds can be kept and reproduced on the ground in the future."

On February 17, Noah's 600th birthday, the springs of the ocean were cracked, and huge water jets shot out from the ground; the windows in the sky were opened, and the heavy rain kept falling day and night for 40 days. With nowhere to go, the water rose rapidly, 15 hours higher than the highest peak. All the animals that breathed with their lungs on dry land died, leaving only the seeds of humans and animals in the ark unharmed. The ark carried God's high hopes and drifted on the boundless ocean.

God took care of Noah and the birds and beasts in the ark, so he ordered the rain to stop and the wind to blow. The wind blew the water, and the water gradually subsided. Noah's Ark is docked on Mount Ararat. After dozens of days, Noah opened the window of the ark and let out a crow to listen to the news, but the crow never returned. Noah let out another dove and asked it to see if the water on the ground had receded. Because the place was covered with water, the pigeon could not find a place to rest and flew back to the ark. Seven days later, Noah let the dove out again, and at dusk the dove flew back with an olive leaf in its mouth, apparently pecked from the tree. After another 7 days, Noah released the dove again, and this time the dove did not come back. On January 1, the year Noah was 601 years old, the water on the ground dried up. Noah opened the door and watched, and the water on the ground receded. By February 27, the earth was dry. So, God said to Noah, "You and your wife and daughter-in-law can go out of the boat. You must bring out all the birds, animals and all reptiles that are with you in the boat, and let them multiply on the ground." So, Noah's family and all the other creatures in the ark came out according to their types. People in later generations used doves and olive branches to symbolize peace.

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Angel's Egg quotes

  • Boy: I've seen a tree like this somewere... When was it? So long ago that I've forgotten... Under a sky where the clouds made sound as they moved. The black horizon swelled and from it grew a huge tree. It sucked the life from the ground... And it's pulsing branches reached up, as if to grasp something...

  • Boy: Maybe you, I and the fish only exist in the memory of a person who is long gone. Maybe no one really exists and it's only raining outside.