face and person

Camryn 2022-09-21 09:07:21

Although many people do not admit it, in fact, the most intuitive impression people have of others is their appearance, or to put it more directly, it is the face. The face is the passport of a person's identity. Compared with other art forms, video art such as film can better explore the image of the face, which is a visual thing. The face represents a person's identity, and the protagonist is set as a person. A person without a face, he has no identity, so he is alienated from the people around him (note that he just has no face, not special, another character with a very special face in the movie is a girl with a bad face and a good face, she is the same as the faceless girl Unlike the protagonist who has difficulty connecting with others, she has a special connection with others). However, with the help of the doctor, he got a face mask, he got an identity, and he got in touch with the people around him again. This theme of entering another identity is also reflected in Tatsuya Nakadai's performance: when the protagonist puts on the mask at the beginning, he is not used to his new face, so Tatsuya Nakadai's expression at this time is stiff . After that, he gradually got used to his face, and the expressions on his face became richer, indicating that he was gradually connecting with the real world. But when the protagonist fell into confusion about his identity, Nakadai Tatsuya's facial expression became stiff again. Maybe just as the doctor said, the face also represents a kind of restraint on freedom, maybe the connection brought by identity is the restraint on freedom.

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The Face of Another quotes

  • [first lines]

    Psychiatrist: Recognize these? You know what they are? You don't, do you?

  • Psychiatrist: Sadly, this is not only a finger. It's an inferiority complex in the shape of a finger. It's not that I specialize in treating fingers. I'm a psychiatrist, in fact. Inferiority complexes dig holes in the psyche, and I fill them in.